6 Colo. Code Regs. § 1010-7.12

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 6 CCR 1010-7.12 - Infant and Toddler Programs and as Applicable to Older Children
7.12.1Personal Items and Bedding
A. Adequate supplies of diapers, clean clothing and linens shall be available for the needs of each infant and toddler. Clothing and linens shall be changed when soiled with high hazard body fluids.
B. Adequate storage space shall be provided for the personal items of each infant and toddler.
C. Each infant and toddler shall be provided with two individual washcloths and one towel or an adequate supply of soft, non-irritating disposable towels.
7.12.2Staff Clothing for Infant Care
A. Clothing worn by staff members to and from work shall be covered or replaced by clean non-irritating washable smocks or similar clothing.
1. Smocks shall be large enough to cover the lap and shoulder areas.
2. Staff shall change or replace their smocks when smocks become soiled.
A. Staff members shall wash their hands before preparing bottles and foods and just prior to feeding infants, as well as when required by Section 7.10.3
1. Staff members with cuts or open wounds on their hands shall not be involved with infant feeding unless the wound is covered with an impermeable cover and a single-use glove is worn over the impermeable cover.
B. Infant food shall be stored in the original, labeled, covered containers.
C. Infant formula and breast milk in bottles or other storage containers shall be:
1. Labeled with the infant's name;
2. The date received; and,
3. Stored at 41°F or below.
4. Formula or breast milk that is unopened and not used the day it was prepared or received from the parent or guardian shall be discarded or returned to the parent or guardian at the end of the day. This shall not apply to frozen breast milk.
D. A designated sink shall be used to fill, warm, and dump infant bottles. In the absence of a designated sink, a written multi-use sink operational plan may be approved by the Department pursuant to Section 7.11.1(A)(1).
E. Infant formula shall be mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's labeled instructions and shall be stored and labeled as indicated in Section 7.12.3 . Expired formula shall not be used.
1. Portions of formula or breast milk unconsumed by the child after each feeding shall be discarded. Bottles of formula, milk, or breast milk and other potentially hazardous liquids shall not be fed over a period exceeding one hour.
2. If nursing bottles are to be reused, they shall be washed, rinsed and sanitized in approved warewashing facilities after each use, as required by Section 7.11.1 or returned to the parent or guardian at the end of the day for washing.
3. Bottles of frozen formula or breast milk shall be thawed under cold running water, in a crock-pot/warming device or in a refrigerator.
4. Bottles of infant formula or breast milk shall never be warmed in a microwave oven.
5. The use of a crock-pot or other warming device to thaw and/or warm formula or breast milk can be utilized, if:
a. The breast milk or formula is thawed and warmed for immediate consumption and not returned to the refrigerator, and,
b. The warming container is emptied, cleaned, sanitized and refilled daily with fresh water.
6. Bottles of formula or breast milk shall be labeled with the child's name. All formula and breast milk shall be used only for the intended child. Breast milk shall be differentiated by colored labels or another method approved by the Department.
7. Accidental feeding of breast milk to another mother's child shall be handled in accordance with standard, Feeding Human Milk to Another Mother's Child, Caring for Our Children, 2015, hereby incorporated by reference.
8. Beverages dispensed into a bottle by the facility staff shall be:
a. From an approved source;
b. Dispensed from the original container; and,
c. Dispensed into a clean sanitized bottle.
F. Commercially processed baby food dispensed directly from the container to a child shall be limited to one infant, with unconsumed portions discarded at the end of each feeding.
1. Containers of baby food dispensed onto separate dishware and served individually from those dishes may be returned to the refrigerator for storage for the remainder of the day. Unconsumed portions from the dishware shall be discarded.
2. No more than one infant shall be fed from the same container of food or the same utensil. Utensils, including dishware, shall be washed, rinsed and sanitized between uses by an approved method as described in Section 7.11.1(A)(5).
A. Diapers shall be checked for wetness or feces at least every two hours, or whenever the child indicates discomfort or exhibits behavior that suggests a soiled or wet diaper. The child shall be changed when found to be wet or soiled.
B. A diaper changing station or changing area shall be provided and located separate from any food preparation, storage or serving area:
1. Equipment and surfaces shall be of sturdy construction with smooth, durable, non-absorbent and easily cleanable surfaces.
2. A handwashing sink shall be:
a. Located adjacent to or within reach of the changing table and/or changing area;
b. Provided with hot and cold running water, delivered under pressure through a mixing faucet; and,
c. Supplied with soap and single-service towels from a dispenser or a mechanical drying device.
3. Soiled diapers, wipes and gloves shall be disposed of in a washable, covered container lined with a plastic bag, located adjacent to the changing table or changing area, and inaccessible to children.
4. Items unrelated to diaper changing shall not be placed on changing tables or wall hung changing stations.
5. Changing tables, stations or mats shall be kept clean and in good repair and shall be cleaned and disinfected after each use with a disposable towel as indicated in Section 7.10.6.
C. The following procedure shall be conducted each time a diaper is changed:
1. All supplies needed for diaper changing shall be placed at the diaper changing area before the child is brought to the changing area.
2. Individuals changing diapers shall place a new pair of gloves on hands prior to changing the child's diaper.
3. The child shall be placed on a clean disinfected dry changing table or mat.
4. The child shall be cleaned on the body wherever necessary.
5. Soiled clothes shall be placed in a plastic bag for parents or guardians to take home. Soiled diapers shall be placed in a covered, impervious plastic lined receptacle.
6. If topical ointments are applied, clean gloves shall be donned. Gloves shall be removed before handling clean clothing and diapers.
7. An infant's hands shall be washed as outlined in Section 7.10.3 . A toddler's hands shall be washed as outlined in Section 7.10.3(A).
8. The child then may be returned to a clean crib or to play.
9. The staff member shall then clean to remove visible soils and disinfect the following:
a. The diapering area;
b. The equipment or supplies touched during diapering; and,
c. Any other surfaces or furnishings contaminated with urine or feces.
10. The staff member shall then thoroughly wash his/her hands in accordance with Section 7.10.3(A).
D. Soiled cloth diapers shall be immediately placed in a waterproof bag after being removed from the child and shall be stored in a covered diaper pail for return to the parents, guardians or diaper service or until laundered. Soiled cloth diapers or clothing shall not be rinsed.

6 CCR 1010-7.12

38 CR 24, December 25, 2015, effective 1/14/2016