6 Colo. Code Regs. § 1010-7.11

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 6 CCR 1010-7.11 - Food Service

Child care facilities providing meals or snacks shall have adequate food service facilities to accommodate the safe preparation and service of foods currently being provided and shall meet the requirements of 6 CCR 1010-2, Colorado Retail Food Establishment Rules and Regulations, unless otherwise stated in Section 7.11:

A. Minimum plumbing requirements for food service areas:
1. Each sink shall be designated for one purpose unless otherwise approved by the Department through a written multi-use sink operational plan that is available on site for review.
2. Facilities for handwashing must be adequate for staff preparing food and for staff and children prior to eating snacks and meals.
a. At least one dedicated handwashing sink for food handlers is required in all food service areas where food handling occurs. This sink is to be used only for handwashing, unless a multi-use sink operational plan has been approved in accordance with Section 7.11.1(A)(1).
b. Adequate handwashing facilities shall be available to accommodate supervised handwashing by all children immediately prior to eating for each snack and meal cycle.
c. Handwashing sinks do not need to meet the dimensional requirements of Section 5-208 J of 6 CCR 1010-2, Colorado Retail Food Establishment Rules and Regulations.
3. Facilities preparing meals or snacks shall have an approved method for food preparation, including washing produce. The following methods are acceptable:
a. A dedicated food preparation sink, indirectly plumbed to the sewer;
b. The dual use of one compartment of a two- or three- compartment sink that is also used for dishwashing is permitted provided:
(1) The compartment is washed, rinsed and sanitized prior to use for food preparation;
(2) The dish volume, including tableware, serving utensils, and cookware, is such that all dishes and utensils can be washed, rinsed, and sanitized in no more than two batches after breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks;
(3) Soiled dishes are not staged or washed at the same time food is being washed or prepared in the sink;
(4) The sink shall be indirectly plumbed to the sewer unless otherwise approved by the Department; and,
(5) An operational plan in accordance with Section 7.11.1 approved by the Department demonstrates all of the above criteria is in place and is protective of public health.
4. Facilities serving only pre-packaged meals or snacks including commercially prewashed and pre-packaged produce are exempt from the requirements of Section 7.11.1(A)(3).
5. Facilities using multi-use tableware, serving utensils or cookware shall have an approved method to wash dishes. In the absence of a commercial dishwashing machine, the following methods are acceptable:
a. Domestic dishwashing machine:
(1) Domestic dishwashing machines are approved provided dish volume is such that all dishes can be washed and sanitized in two or less complete cycles for each of the following: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks; and meet one of the following conditions:
(a) The dishwashing machine is National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) certified; or,
(b) Equipped with a heat sanitizing cycle that reaches a minimum of 150°F; or,
(c) The temperature of the wash water reaches a minimum of 155°F.
b. Manual Warewashing:
(1) In the absence of a dishwashing machine, a dedicated three-compartment sink shall be used for dishwashing provided it is indirectly plumbed to the sewer; or,
(2) In facilities where limited dishwashing is needed, a two compartment sink may be used for dishwashing provided it is indirectly plumbed to the sewer and the dish volume is such that all dishes and utensils can be washed, rinsed, and sanitized in no more than two batches after breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Department approval is required to use a two compartment sink for dishwashing.
6. Where structural changes pose a true economic hardship or are too difficult to implement due to space constraints, conflicts with the plumbing code, or building ownership, direct plumbing to the sewer system may be approved by the Department provided public health is protected. Documentation of approval shall be maintained on site.
7. Mop sinks are to be installed in accordance with Section 7.8.6(B).
8. The number of toilet facilities shall meet the requirements as stated in Section 7.8.4(A).
A. Commercial ventilation is required where:
1. Grease cooking is conducted;
2. Cooking appliances have a combined BTU rating of greater than 100,000 BTU or 21 kilowatts, as specified in the equipment's specifications; or,
3. Local building or fire codes require commercial ventilation.
4. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the cooking of meat inside an oven or on the stovetop in a covered pan or skillet as long as local building and fire codes are followed.
7.11.3Cooking and Hot Holding Equipment
A. Commercial cooking and hot holding equipment is not required in facilities meeting the exemptions in Section 7.11.5 . Commercial equipment is required in facilities where any of the following conditions apply:
1. Commercial equipment is required by the local building or fire departments; or,
2. Leftover potentially hazardous foods are cooled and then re-heated for hot holding and re-service to children; or,
3. Domestic equipment cannot adequately cook or maintain potentially hazardous foods that are hot held above 135&°F.
7.11.4Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
A. Commercial refrigeration equipment is not required in facilities meeting the exemptions in Section 7.11.5 . Commercial equipment is required in facilities where any of the following conditions apply:
1. Commercial equipment is required by the local building or fire departments;
2. The facility's menu involves advanced food preparation, as defined in Section 7.4(A)(1);
3. Prepared potentially hazardous food is transported off premises for service or consumption at another facility;
4. Leftover potentially hazardous foods are cooled for re-service to children; or,
5. Domestic equipment cannot maintain potentially hazardous foods at 41°F or less.
7.11.5Domestic Equipment
A. Domestic cooking, hot holding and refrigeration equipment is permitted when approved by the Department, maintained in good repair and under the following conditions:
1. In specialized group facilities, residential child care facilities, children's camps, and small child care centers with a capacity of 20 or fewer children; or,
2. In independent infant programs, toddler programs and kindergartens; or,
3. In facilities operated less than four hours per day; or,
4. In other facilities where the menu does not involve procedures listed in Section 7.11.4(A); and,
5. Where installation methods allow the equipment and surrounding area to be maintained in a clean sanitary condition.
7.11.6Operational Requirements
A. Date marking shall only apply to child care facilities that serve a highly susceptible population including preschool aged children (five years of age and younger) and facilities that specialize in serving children who are immunocompromised.
B. Children may use the same room for eating and sleeping.
C. Potentially hazardous foods supplied by the facility for offsite activities, such as field trips, shall be maintained at required temperatures prior to leaving the facility pursuant to Section 7.11 and if temperatures are not maintained after leaving the facility the food shall be consumed within four hours.
1. Coolers can be used for storage and transport for offsite activities if they are easily cleanable, maintained in good repair, and kept clean.
D. In child care facilities where individual meals are furnished by the parents or guardians, the food shall be restricted to their own child and the food shall be labeled with the child's name.
1. When parents or guardians furnish snacks for children other than their own child, the snack shall consist only of foods that are prepackaged and prepared from commercial sources. Such foods shall be non-potentially hazardous or shelf stable and received sealed, and,
2. If the food requires refrigeration after opening, remaining portions shall be discarded or sent home with the parent that supplied it.
3. Uncut produce may be provided if the facility has the capacity to wash and prepare it in accordance with 7.11.1(A)(3).
E. In child care facilities without adequate refrigeration or hot holding equipment to maintain food temperatures:
1. Foods shall be obtained from approved licensed or commercial sources; and,
2. Food service shall be limited only to non-potentially hazardous foods; or,
3. Foods supplied by outside sources must be, received at the appropriate temperature, served within two hours, and remaining potentially hazardous foods shall be discarded.
F. In child care facilities without adequate fixtures to wash, rinse and sanitize dishes and utensils, single-service utensils and tableware shall be used for dispensing, serving, and eating food.
G. Family style meal service is permitted under the following conditions:
1. Children are supervised;
2. Utensils are used to dispense food;
3. Soiled tableware and serving dishes are not returned to the kitchen for refilling; and,
4. Food that becomes contaminated is discarded.
H. Raw, uncut produce, including those grown on site, shall be permitted provided gardens and greenhouses conform to U.S. Department of Agriculture Good Agricultural Practices. For additional information, Interpretive Memo 14-08 Determining "Approved Source" for Raw, Uncut Fruits and Vegetables, may be referenced.
I. Prohibited Foods:
1. Service of honey to infants shall be prohibited.
2. Pursuant to 25-5.5-117(4), C.R.S, a child care facility shall not serve as a distribution site for raw milk.
3. Except for freshly squeezed juice for immediate consumption the service of unpasteurized juice shall be prohibited.
J. Prohibited Activities:
1. Staff shall not be involved in the care of children and food preparation concurrently if there is a risk for contamination of food by body fluids.
2. Staff members assigned to a specific group of children and involved in changing diapers shall be prohibited from preparing meals and snacks for children not in their group.
3. Children shall not be involved in the preparation and handling of raw animal products.
4. Children shall not handle, with bare hands, ready-to-eat foods for children other than themselves.
5. This section does not prohibit teaching cooking projects if good hygienic practices are followed.
6. This section does not prohibit life skills training in facilities providing more than 24-hour care.

6 CCR 1010-7.11

38 CR 24, December 25, 2015, effective 1/14/2016