504 | Name | 80 | AN | Facility name of offsite generator of recyclable material. | False | |
2 | EPA ID Number | 12- digit identifier beginning with CA | 12 | AN | EPA Identification number for businesses that generate, recycle, or treat hazardous waste. For facilities in California, the number usually starts with the letters 'CA'. The number can be obtained from the Telephone Information Center at (916) 324-1781, (800)61-TOXIC or (800) 618-6942. | False |
506 | Address | 70 | AN | Street address for offsite generator of recyclable material. No post office box numbers are allowed. This information must provide a means to geographically locate the facility. | False | |
507 | Phone | Area code + 7- digit phone number + extension | 25 | AN | Phone number for offsite generator of recyclable material. | False |
508 | City | 60 | AN | City or unincorporated area for offsite generator of recyclable material. | False | |
509 | State | Valid 2-letter US State Postal Code, 2-letter Canadian Post Province/Territory Abbreviation, or can be left blank for international addresses if Country field is not "United States" or "Canada." | 2 | AN | US state or Canadian province/territory postal code of offsite generator of recyclable material. | False |
510 | ZIP Code | 5- digit ZIP Code, 5- digit ZIP Code with dash and plus-four code, or blank permitted for non-US/Canadian addresses which do not use/include a postal code. | 10 | AN | ZIP code (or international postal code) for offsite generator of recyclable material. | False |
510a | Country | Specify the full country name as shown in the USPS International Mail Manual. If no country is provided, the value will default to "United States". | 45 | AN | Country. | False |
511 | Mailing Address | Postal standard: 2 lines, 35 characters | 70 | AN | Mailing address for offsite generator of recyclable material, if different from street address. | False |
512 | City for Mailing Address | 60 | AN | City or unincorporated area for mailing address of offsite generator of recyclable material, if different from street address. | False | |
513 | State for Mailing Address | Valid 2-letter US State Postal Code, 2-letter Canadian Post Province/Territory Abbreviation, or can be left blank for international addresses if Country field is not "United States" or "Canada." | 2 | AN | US state or Canadian province/territory postal code of mailing address for offsite generator of recyclable material, if different from street address. | False |
514 | ZIP Code for Mailing Address | 5- digit ZIP Code, 5- digit ZIP Code with dash and plus-four code, or blank permitted for non-US/Canadian addresses which do not use/include a postal code. | 10 | AN | ZIP code (or international postal code) for mailing address of offsite generator of recyclable material, if different from street address. | False |
514a | Country for Mailing Address | Specify the full country name as shown in the USPS International Mail Manual. If no country is provided, the value will default to "United States". | 45 | AN | Country for Mailing Address (Offsite Generator). | False |
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 27, div. 3, 1, ch. 4, 1
2. Renumbering of former table 1 to table 3 and new table filed 12-17-2013; operative 12-17-2013 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2013, No. 51).
3. New table heading filed 6-14-2018; operative 7-1-2018 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2018, No. 24).