002.00.11 Ark. Code R. 015
Alligator Gar | 1 |
Black Basses (including not more than four Smallmouth) | 10 |
Bream (over 4 inches length) | 50 |
Catfish (exc. Bullhead) | 10 |
Crappie | 20 |
Rock Bass | 10 |
Muskellunge | 6 |
Paddlefish | 2 |
Pickerel | 6 |
Sauger | 6 |
Saugeye | 6 |
Shovelnose Sturgeon | No Limit |
Striped Bass or Hybrid (Combination) | 6 |
Trout (including not more than: | |
2 brown trout, 2 cutthroat trout, 2 brook trout) | 5 |
Walleye | 6 |
White Bass | 25 |
Yellow Bass | No Limit |
Daily Aggregate Limit | 75 |
Daily Limit for all sportfish on Dr. Lester Sitzes 111 Bois d'Arc Lake, Horseshoe Bend Pool of the Strawberry River in Izard County and Lake 1 on Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA Vi daily limit. Daily limit for all sportfish on Lower White Oak Lake double the daily limit from January 1, 2012 to April 30, 2012.
Reservoirs; Cane Creek Lake in Lincoln County; Lake Chicot (including Connerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou from the inlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam); Lake Charles, and Lake Monticello.
It is unlawful to fish in any manner on Lower White Oak Lake from May 1, 2012 to
December 31, 2012. PENALTY: Class 1
Fisheries Endangered Species Codebook Language Update
Status | Species/Listing Name |
E | Bat, gray (Myotis grisescens) |
E | Bat, Indiana (Myotis sodalis) |
E | Bat, Ozark big-eared (Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) townsendii ingens) |
E | Beetle, American burying (Nicrophorus americanus) |
T | Cavefish, Ozark (Amblyopsis rosae) |
E | Crayfish, cave (Cambarus aculabrum) |
E | Crayfish, cave {Cambarus zophonastes) |
E | Curlew, Eskimo (Numenius borealis) |
T | Darter, leopard (Percina pantherina) |
E | Darter, Yellowcheek (Etheostoma moorei) |
T | Fatmucket, Arkansas (Lampsilis powellii) |
E | Hellbender, ozark (Cryptobranchus bishopi) |
E | Mueket, pink (pearlymussel) (Lampsilis abrupia) |
E | Mussel, scaleshell (Leptodea leptodon) |
E | Mussel, fanshell (Cyprogenia stegaria) |
E | Mussel, ring pink (Obovaria retusa) |
E | Panther, Florida (Puma (-Felis) concolor coryi) |
T | Pearlshell, Louisiana (Margaritifera hembeli) |
E | Pearly mussel, Curtis (Epioblasmaflorentina curtisii) |
E | Pocketbook, fat (Potamilus capax) |
E | Pocketbook, Ouachita rock (Arkansia wheeieri) |
E | Pocketbook, speckled (Lampsilis streckeri) |
T | Shagreen, Magazine Mountain (Mesodon magazinensis) |
T | Shiner, Arkansas River Arkansas R. Basin (Notropis girardi) |
E | Sturgeon, pallid (Scaphirhynchus albus) |
E | Tern, least interior pop. (Sterna antillarum) |
E | Turgid blossom (Epioblasma turgidula) |
E | Mapleleaf, winged (Quadrula fragosa) |
p | Wolf, gray Lower 48 States, except where delisted and where EXPN. |
j_> | Mexico. (Canis lupus) |
E | Woodpecker, ivory-billed entire (Campephilus principalis) |
m | Woodpecker, red-cockaded (Picoides borealis) |
All other federally-listed AR species listed on the USFWS
link, http://ecos.fws.gov/tess publie/SpeciesReport.do, as they are added or deleted, are included in this Addendum section.
Alligator snapping turtle | $100-250 | $150 |
American alligator | $300-1,000 | $500 |
American coot | $10-30 | $15 |
American woodcock | $20-40 | $30 |
Amphibian | $20-100 | Varies |
Bachman's warbler | $1,000-5,000 | $2,000 |
Bald eagle | $1,000-5,000 | $2,000 |
Bats, other | $5-20 | $5 |
Beaver | $5-25 | $10 |
Black Bear | $250-750 | $500 |
Black duck | $50-150 | $100 |
Black-tailed jackrabbit | $75-150 | $100 |
Blue-winged teal | $30-75 | $40 |
Bobcat | $75-200 | $150 |
Bobwhite quail | $30-75 | $50 |
Bufflehead | $30-75 | $40 |
Canada goose | $100-200 | $150 |
Canvasback | $75-200 | $100 |
Common bird, others | $25-75 | $40 |
Common snipe | $20-40 | $30 |
Cottontail rabbit | $10-30 | $20 |
Coyote | $10-50 | $20 |
Crow | $1-10 | $3 |
Eastern spotted skunk | $10-40 | $25 |
Elk | $750-2,500 | $1,500 |
Fox squirrel | $10-30 | $20 | |
Gadwall | $20-50 | $30 |
Goldeneye | $30-75 | $40 |
Gray bat | $250-750 | $300 |
Gray fox | $30-100 | $50 |
Gray squirrel | $10-30 | $20 |
Green-winged teal | $20-50 | $30 |
Hooded merganser | $30-75 | $50 |
Indiana bat | $250-750 | $300 |
Interior least tern | $1,000-5,000 | $2,000 |
Ivory-billed woodpecker | $1,000-5,000 | $2,500 |
Lesser scaup | $20-50 | $30 |
Lizard | $1-5 | $1 |
Long-tailed weasel | $50-150 | $75 |
Mallard | $30-75 | $50 |
Mergansers, other | $20-50 | $30 |
Mink | $25-75 | $40 |
Moorhen/Purple gallinule | $30-75 | $50 |
Mountain lion | $1,000-5,000 | $2,500 |
Mourning dove | $20-40 | $30 |
Muskrat | $5-20 | $8 |
Nutria | $5-20 | $5 |
Opossum | $10-40 | $20 |
Ozark big-eared bat | $250-750 | $500 |
Peregrine falcon | $1,000-5,000 | $2,500 |
Pintail | $30-75 | $50 |
Raccoon | $25-75 | $40 |
Raptors | $25-100 | $50 |
Rare bird, other | $200-500 | $250 |
Red fox | $75-150 | $100 |
Red-cockaded woodpecker | $1,000-5,000 | $2,000 |
Redhead | $30-75 | $40 |
Ringneck duck | $20-50 | $30 |
Ringtail | $75-150 | $100 |
River otter | $100-250 | $250 |
Ruddy duck | $10-30 | $20 |
Ruffed grouse | $250-750 | $350 |
Shoveler | $20-40 | $20 |
Small mammal, other | $1-10 | $3 |
Snake | $5-20 | $10 |
Snow goose | $40-100 | $50 |
Stripped skunk | $5-20 | $5 |
Swamp rabbit | $50-150 | $100 |
Turtle, other | $5-20 | $15 |
Uncommon bird, other | $100-250 | $100 |
Virginia/Sora rail | $20-50 | $30 |
White-fronted goose | $40-100 | $75 - |
White-tailed deer | $300-600 | $400 |
Wigeon | $30-75 | $40 |
Wild turkey | $250-500 | $350 |
Woodchuck | $20-50 | $25 |
Wood duck | $30-75 | $50 |
For restitution values for fish and mussels refer to the "Investigation and Monetary Values of Fish and Freshwater Mussel Kills", American Fisheries Society Special Publication 30 and also the AGFC Fisheries Division.
002.00.11 Ark. Code R. 015