Section 4 AAC 06.775 - Statewide assessment program for students with disabilities(b) The commissioner shall select an alternate assessment for use in the state, for assessment of students with significant cognitive disabilities who are not able to complete either regular curricular offerings or substitute courses under 4 AAC 06.078 that would lead to a diploma. A student's eligibility for an alternate assessment shall be established in the student's IEP in accordance with the criteria in the Participation Guidelines for Alaska Students in State Assessments, adopted by reference in (a) of this section. Each district shall administer the alternate assessment to eligible students whenever it administers the standards-based assessments described in 4 AAC 06.737. Achievement levels for the English language arts, mathematics, and science alternate assessment are advanced, at target, approaching target, or emerging. Students obtaining an achievement level of advanced or at target meet standards. For the purposes of reporting and accountability in 4 AAC 06.800 - 4 AAC 06.899, the department will include as proficient those students who score at the target or advanced achievement levels on the alternate assessment for English language, arts, mathematics, and science. To obtain an achievement level in (1) English language arts, and mathematics on the alternate assessment, a student must obtain a score as set out in the following table: Achievement Level | Grade 3 | Grade 4 | Grade 5 | Grade 6 | Grade 7 | Grade 8 | Grade 9 |
English language arts: Advanced | 44 or above | 49 or above | 45 or above | 44 or above | 53 or above | 55 or above | 55 or above |
English language arts: At Target | 31-43 | 37-48 | 31-44 | 31-43 | 38-52 | 37-54 | 39-54 |
English language arts: Approaching Target | 23-30 | 25-36 | 21-30 | 18-30 | 20-37 | 18-36 | 15-38 |
English language arts: Emerging | 22 or below | 24 or below | 20 or below | 17 or below | 19 or below | 17 or below | 14 or below |
Math: Advanced | 27 or above | 28 or above | 26 or above | 24 or above | 27 or above | 31 or above | 29 or above |
Math: At Target | 15-26 | 15-27 | 17-25 | 18-23 | 18-26 | 24-30 | 18-28 |
Math: Approaching Target | 9-14 | 10-14 | 8-16 | 8-17 | 9-17 | 9-23 | 9-17 |
Math: Emerging | 8 or below | 9 or below | 7 or below | 7 or below | 8 or below | 8 or below | 8 or below |
(2) science on the Alternate Assessment, a student must obtain a score as set out in the following table: Achievement Level | Grade 5 | Grade 8 | Grade 10 |
Science: Advanced | 25 or above | 23 or above | 23 or above |
Science: At Target | 17-24 | 16-22 | 16-22 |
Science: Approaching Target | 10-16 | 10-15 | 8-15 |
Science: Emerging | 9 or below | 9 or below | 7 or below |
(d) If the Participation Guidelines do not identify whether a proposed change to an assessment is an accommodation or modification, the district shall follow the procedure described in the Participation Guidelines for determining whether the change is an accommodation or a modification. If a parent requests that a district consult with the department, a district shall consult with the department regarding whether a proposed change to an assessment is an accommodation or a modification. If requested, the department will issue a nonbinding written advisory opinion on whether a particular change is an accommodation or a modification. A decision regarding whether a particular accommodation is appropriate for a student rests with the IEP or section 504 team and the department will not issue an opinion on this issue. Except as provided in (g) and (h) of this section, if an IEP or section 504 team requests a modification for the assessment, a district shall provide the modification if possible, but shall inform the IEP or section 504 team that the modification will invalidate the assessment.(e) A district shall provide a description of the assessment requirements and options for graduation from high school to parents of a student with a disability or with a section 504 plan who is in the ninth grade, is a new enrollee in the district's high school, or is newly placed on an IEP or section 504 plan. Unless a different time and place is more appropriate, the description shall be provided during the annual IEP or section 504 team meeting during a student's ninth grade year.(m) For purposes of this section, a student with a disability is on a diploma track if the student is being taught under the content standards adopted by reference under 4 AAC 04.140.Eff. 12/19/2002, Register 164; am 9/17/2004, Register 171; am 11/10/2005, Register 176; am 10/18/2007, Register 184; am 11/10/2007, Register 184; am 9/27/2008, Register 187; am 6/11/2010, Register 194; am 10/3/2011, Register 200; am 4/20/2012, Register 202; am 12/26/2014, Register 212, January 2015; am 3/4/2015, Register 213, April 2015; am 5/15/2015, Register 214, July 2015; am 3/30/2016, Register 217, April 2016; am 4/6/2016, Register 218, July 2016; am 12/25/2020, Register 225, April 2018; am 6/1/2018,Register 226, July 2018; am 10/20/2018, Register 228, January 2019; am 12/25/2020, Register 236, January 2021; am 10/26/2022, Register 244, January 2023; am 11/13/2022, Register 244, January 2023 The Department of Education and Early Development's Participation Guidelines for Inclusion of Alaska Students on State Assessments adopted by reference in 4 AAC 06.775, is available by writing to the department at 801 West 10th Street, Suite 200, P.O. Box 110500, Juneau, Alaska 99811-0500 or on the department's website at
Authority:AS 14.03.075
AS 14.03.123
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AS 14.50.080