Article 6 - Statewide Student Assessment
- Section 4 AAC 06.700 - Purpose
- Section 4 AAC 06.710 - Statewide student assessment system
- Section 4 AAC 06.712 - Developmental profile
- Section 4 AAC 06.713 - [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.715 - Work ready/college ready transitional skills curriculum and benchmark assessments [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.717 - [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.718 - College and career readiness assessment after student receives a certificate of achievement
- Section 4 AAC 06.720 - Program evaluation [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.721 - [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.722 - [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.723 - [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.724 - [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.730 - Standardized norm referenced test administration (Repealed)
- Section 4 AAC 06.735 - Standardized norm referenced test results (Repealed)
- Section 4 AAC 06.737 - Standards-based test
- Section 4 AAC 06.738 - Assessment Results
- Section 4 AAC 06.739 - Assessment achievement level scores
- Section 4 AAC 06.740 - School questionnaire (Repealed)
- Section 4 AAC 06.750 - Student questionnaire (Repealed)
- Section 4 AAC 06.755 - High school graduation qualifying examination [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.758 - High school graduation qualifying examination results [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.759 - High school graduation qualifying examination: remediation [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.760 - Test results (Repealed)
- Section 4 AAC 06.761 - Test administration
- Section 4 AAC 06.765 - Test security; consequences of breach
- Section 4 AAC 06.770 - Inclusion and exclusion of students (Repealed)
- Section 4 AAC 06.771 - High school graduation qualifying examination reexamination [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.772 - High school graduation qualifying examination waivers [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.773 - Waiver for entering the public school system late [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.774 - Rare or unusual circumstances [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.775 - Statewide assessment program for students with disabilities
- Section 4 AAC 06.776 - Assessment of a student that is an English learner
- Section 4 AAC 06.777 - Students that have passed another state's competency examination [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.780 - Procedures for appeal from a denial of a waiver from the high school graduation qualifying exam [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.789 - Requests by parents for high school graduation qualifying examination waivers, exemptions, and appeals [Repealed]
- Section 4 AAC 06.790 - Definitions