Section 41-8-114 - Board of directors; issuance of bonds(a) Bonds authorized by W.S. 41-8-113 shall not be issued until proposed by order or resolution of the board of directors specifying the purpose for which the funds are to be used, the rate of interest the bonds are to bear, the amount of the proposed bond issue, terms of the bonds, and the proposed method of payment and redemption of the bonds prior to maturity. A copy of the order or resolution shall be certified to the board of supervisors.(b) The board of directors shall conduct a hearing on such proposal after due notice of such hearing has been given. If it appears that the proposal is within the scope and purpose of this act and meets all other requirements of the law, the proposal shall be submitted to the landowners of the watershed improvement district by a referendum held under the supervision of the board of supervisors. (c) The provisions of W.S. 41-8-107 through 41-8-110, as to notice and manner of holding a referendum in organizing a watershed improvement district shall be applicable to the referendum held under this section. Any referendum held under this section shall be held by mail ballot or on an election date authorized under W.S. 22-21-103.(d) If two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast, which votes represent a majority of the acreage contained in the watershed improvement district, are in favor of the proposed bond issue, such bonds shall be authorized and may be issued. (e) Bonds authorized and issued shall bear interest payable annually, and shall be due and payable not more than fifty (50) years from their dates. The form, terms and provisions of the bonds, provision for their payment and provisions for their retirement and calling not inconsistent with law, shall be determined by the board of supervisors. The bonds are exempt from all state, county, municipal, school and other taxes imposed by a taxing authority of this state.