Wyo. Stat. § 35-9-502
Every building now or hereafter used, in whole or in part, as a public building, public or private institution, office building, lyceum, church, school house, theater, picture show house, public hall, place of assemblage or place of public resort, and every hotel, apartment house, boarding house or tenement house, two (2) stories or less in height, having twelve (12) or more rooms shall be provided with at least two (2) stairways, hallways or means of exit or escape from each story in case of fire. In addition to the above mentioned and described stairways and hallways or means of exit, all doors to every public hall, lyceum, theater, picture show house, or other place of amusement, which is thrown open to and used for the profit of the owner or proprietor or owners or proprietors by public assemblies in the state of Wyoming, shall not be less than three (3) feet in width, and shall swing or open out of and not into said public hall, lyceum, theater, picture show house, or other place of amusement.
W.S. 35-9-502