- Section 35-9-201 - Applicability; powers of districts generally
- Section 35-9-202 - Election of board of directors
- Section 35-9-203 - Powers and duties of board of directors generally; administration of finances; assessment and levy of taxes
- Section 35-9-204 - Issuance of bonds; authority of board to submit questions to electors; restriction upon amount; interest; purpose
- Section 35-9-205 - Issuance of bonds; conduct of election; canvass of returns
- Section 35-9-206 - Issuance of bonds; notice; bids
- Section 35-9-207 - Issuance of bonds; form of bonds; execution; registration
- Section 35-9-208 - Issuance of bonds; payment of principal and interest
- Section 35-9-209 - Procedure for proposing establishment of fire protection district
- Section 35-9-210 - District formation initiated by resolution of county commissioners; procedures; conditions
- Section 35-9-211 - Formation of county commission fire protection districts; procedures; conditions
- Section 35-9-212 - Division of fire protection district authorized
- Section 35-9-213 - Petition for division; hearing and notice
- Section 35-9-214 - Decision on petition for division; protest
- Section 35-9-215 - Distribution of assets and liabilities following division