Section 33-4-117 - Exemptions(a) Nothing in this act prohibits any person from preparing plans and specifications, designing, planning or administering the construction contracts for the construction, alteration, remodeling or repair of any of the following: (ii) Garages, commercial or industrial buildings, office buildings, preengineered metal buildings and buildings for the marketing, storage or processing of farm products and warehouses, which do not exceed two (2) stories in height, exclusive of a one (1) story basement, and which under applicable building code or codes, are not designed for occupancy by more than ten (10) persons; (iv) Nonstructural alterations of any nature to any building if the alterations do not affect the safety of the occupants of the building. (b) Nothing in this act shall be construed: (i) As curtailing or extending the rights of any other legally recognized profession; (ii) As prohibiting the practice of architecture by any legally qualified architect of this state or another state who is employed by the United States government while in the discharge of his official duties; (iii) To prevent the independent employment of a registered professional engineer for any professional service related solely to civil, structural, mechanical or electrical engineering in connection with any building or building project. (c) This act in no way supersedes, overrides or amends the provisions of chapter 29 of this title regarding registration of professional engineers and professional land surveyors.