Wyo. Stat. § 33-30-203

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 33-30-203 - License required; exceptions
(a) No person may practice veterinary medicine in the state who is not a licensed veterinarian or the holder of a valid temporary permit issued by the board. This act shall not be construed to prohibit:
(i) An employed veterinarian of the federal, state, or local government from performing his official duties; provided, however, this exemption shall not apply to such person when he is not engaged in carrying out his official duties;
(ii) A person who is a regular student in a college of veterinary medicine from performing duties or action assigned by his instructors, or from working under the responsible supervision of a licensed veterinarian during a school vacation period;
(iii) A veterinarian regularly licensed in another state from consulting with a licensed veterinarian in this state;
(iv) Any merchant or manufacturer from selling at his regular place of business medicines, feed, appliances, or other products used in the prevention or treatment of animal diseases;
(v) The owner of an animal, the owner's employees or any livestock operator and such operator's employees with whom the owner exchanges work and assistance in connection with animals, from caring for and treating any animal belonging to such owner, in any manner desired by said owner;
(vi) A member of the faculty of an accredited college of veterinary medicine or a recognized division of veterinary science from performing his regular functions at such college or division by lecturing, or from giving instructions or demonstrations at such college or division or in connection with a continuing education course or seminar;
(vii) Any person from engaging in bona fide scientific research which requires experimentation involving animals; providing that procurement and care of such experimental animals shall conform to accepted methods and existing law;
(viii) Any person approved by the board from performing artificial insemination of animals as provided by W.S. 33-30-204(m)(iii);
(ix) Any veterinary aide, nurse, laboratory technician, intern, or other employee of a licensed veterinarian from administering medication or rendering auxiliary or supporting assistance under the responsible supervision of such practicing veterinarian;
(x) Persons from gratuitously giving aid, assistance or relief in emergency or accident cases if they do not represent themselves to be veterinarians or use any title or degree appertaining to the practice thereof;
(xi) Any person approved by the board from performing embryo transplants upon animals as provided by W.S. 33-30-204(m)(xiii);
(xii) Any person who, without expectation of compensation, provides emergency veterinary care at the site in an emergency or disaster situation;
(xiii) The state veterinarian from deputizing licensed veterinarians to assist as deputy state veterinarians in case of an emergency as provided in W.S. 11-18-103(a)(ii). The state veterinarian may request the assistance of licensed veterinarians from other states as needed in emergency situations without requiring Wyoming licensure.

W.S. 33-30-203

Amended by Laws 2011 , ch. 97, § 1, eff. 3/2/2011.