Wyo. Stat. § 33-20-203

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 33-20-203 - License; application; fee; record to be kept; exemption if licensed by city or town
(a) Any temporary or transient merchant desiring to engage in, do or transact business in this state, shall file an application for license for that purpose with the county clerk of the county in which he desires to do business, which application shall state his name, his proposed place of business, the kind of business proposed to be conducted and the length of time for which he desires to conduct business. Except as provided by subsection (b) of this section, the temporary or transient merchant shall pay to the treasurer of the county a license fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00). The treasurer of the county shall issue to the person duplicate receipts. The temporary or transient merchant shall file the treasurer's receipt for payment with the county clerk of the county, who shall issue to the temporary or transient merchant a license to do business at the place described in the application and the kind of business to be done shall be described in the license. No license shall be good for more than one (1) person, unless the person shall be the member of a copartnership, nor for more than one (1) place of business, and shall be good for a period of one (1) year from the date of its issuance. The county clerk shall keep a record of the licenses in a book which shall at all times be open to public inspection.
(b) The license fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) under subsection (a) of this section may be modified by the county commissioners for an event, a fair or a celebration. The modification shall apply to all transient merchants conducting business at the event, fair or celebration. The county commissioners shall notify the county treasurer of the modification. The county treasurer shall issue duplicate receipts to the temporary or transient merchant for the modified license fee. The temporary or transient merchant shall file the treasurer's receipt with the county clerk of the county where the application is made. The county clerk shall issue a license that describes the event, fair or celebration and the kind of business to be done. The license shall be good only for the event, fair or celebration and only for the kind of business identified. The county clerk shall keep a record of the modified licenses for an event, fair or celebration in a book that is open to public inspection at all times.
(c) If any city or town establishes by ordinance a temporary or transient merchant license and license fee for the conduct of business inside its corporate boundaries, subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall not apply to any temporary or transient merchant holding a valid license issued by the city or town when conducting business inside the boundaries of the city or town issuing the license. Any city or town issuing any license to any temporary or transient merchant shall notify the county clerk of the county in which the city or town is located that a license has been issued.

W.S. 33-20-203