Wyo. Stat. § 33-11-112

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 33-11-112 - Action upon complaints; records of proceedings
(a) Any interested person may file a verified written complaint charging any collection agency licensee with the violation of this act or the rules adopted by the board, or with conduct that shows the licensee is unworthy to continue to operate a collection agency within this state. The complaint shall be filed with the board which shall investigate the complaint if necessary or refer the complaint to appropriate staff for investigation and referral back to the board for proper disposition.
(b) The board, on its own motion, may make, or cause to be made, an investigation of the conduct of any licensee. As a part of an investigation, the board may audit the books and accounts of a licensee. The audit may be conducted by an auditor from the state department of audit or by a certified public accountant contracted by the board.
(c) Repealed by Laws 1981, ch. 25, § 2.
(d) For the purpose of an investigation or for hearing a complaint, the board may hold a hearing in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act. The hearing may be conducted by a hearing examiner. The chairman may subpoena witnesses and books, records and documents relative to the inquiry. Witnesses may be required to testify under oath. If the board finds the licensee has violated the provisions of this act or the rules promulgated by the board, the licensee may be sanctioned by a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or refusal to renew, suspension or revocation of his license or any combination thereof. Any civil penalties collected pursuant to this section shall be paid to the state treasurer and credited as provided in W.S. 8-1-109.
(e) A copy of the complaint and a complete record of the investigation and the disposition made shall be retained by the board in the office of the board.

W.S. 33-11-112