Wyo. Stat. § 33-1-120

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 33-1-120 - Professional and occupational licensure for qualified individuals licensed in other jurisdictions
(a) As used in this section:
(i) "Active" means a status of occupational or professional licensure which has not been suspended, revoked or terminated and which is not otherwise inactive;
(ii) "Applicant" means a natural person seeking licensure from a professional or occupational licensing board of this state;
(iii) "Good standing" means a status of occupational or professional licensure which is in compliance with all requirements imposed by the issuing licensing, certification or registration authority;
(iv) "License" means any license, certificate or registration required to practice an occupation or profession.
(b) A professional or occupational licensing board shall issue a license to an applicant to allow the applicant to lawfully practice a profession or occupation requiring licensure in this state if the Wyoming licensing board determines that the applicant:
(i) Holds a relevant, active occupational or professional license in good standing from another state that mandates substantially equivalent or more stringent educational, training, examination and experience requirements for licensure than the licensing entity in this state. Substantial equivalency shall be determined pursuant to rules adopted by the licensing board in Wyoming provided that:
(A) The educational equivalency shall be determined by whether the degree required is a doctorate, master, bachelor, associate or other degree with curriculum deemed substantially equivalent by the licensing board;
(B) If the Wyoming licensing board requires an examination for licensure, the substantially equivalent examination requirement may be met by passing the same or an earlier version of the exam. The Wyoming licensing board shall waive this requirement if the individual has been licensed for more than ten (10) years;
(C) In evaluating any work experience requirements the provisions of subsection (c) of this section shall apply;
(D) In addition to any exam required under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph the Wyoming licensing board may require an examination relating to the specifics of Wyoming law and regulations regardless of the length of time the individual has been licensed.
(ii) Demonstrates competency in the occupation or profession for which the applicant seeks licensure. Competency shall be determined pursuant to rules that shall be adopted for that purpose and may include consideration of continuing education credits, recent work experience, prior licensing examinations, disciplinary actions taken against the applicant in other states and other appropriate factors;
(iii) Has not engaged in any act that would constitute grounds for refusal, suspension or revocation of the occupational or professional license sought in this state; and
(iv) Has completed all required application procedures and paid any required fee.
(c) All relevant work experience of an applicant, including full-time or part-time experience, regardless of whether in a paid or volunteer capacity, may be credited in any work experience requirement adopted by an occupational or professional licensing board.
(d) This section shall apply to all applications for licensure under W.S. 21-2-802 or under title 33 of the Wyoming statutes except for the following:
(i) An application to be an attorney at law under chapter 5 of title 33;
(ii) An application to any board which represents a profession with prescriptive drug authority, but only with respect to the profession with the prescriptive drug authority.
(e) Nothing in this section shall be held to limit the rights or privileges of a military service member under W.S. 33-1-116.

W.S. 33-1-120

Added by Laws 2021 , ch. 31, § 1, eff. 7/1/2021.