Article 11 - ACCIDENTS
- Section 31-5-1101 - Duty to stop vehicle where accident involves death or personal injuries; penalties
- Section 31-5-1102 - Duty to stop vehicle where accident involves damage to attended vehicle or property; penalty
- Section 31-5-1103 - Duty to give information and render aid
- Section 31-5-1104 - Duty upon colliding with unattended vehicle or property
- Section 31-5-1105 - Notice required of driver
- Section 31-5-1106 - Written reports required of police officers; reporting of vehicles struck by bullets
- Section 31-5-1107 - Duty of occupant and owner when driver incapable of reporting
- Section 31-5-1108 - Report forms; failure to make report; false report
- Section 31-5-1109 - [Repealed]
- Section 31-5-1110 - Confidentiality of supplemental information to reports; use of reports as evidence; exceptions
- Section 31-5-1111 - Reports required by municipalities
- Section 31-5-1112 - Tabulation and analysis of reports