- Section 31-2-201 - Registration required; timelines
- Section 31-2-202 - Renumbered
- Section 31-2-203 - Reciprocal agreements and exemptions
- Section 31-2-204 - Issuance of certificates of registration and license plates by county; form
- Section 31-2-205 - Display of license plates
- Section 31-2-206 - Annual renewal; delivery of license plates and stickers; staggered registration; permanent registration of lightweight trailers
- Section 31-2-207 - Publicly owned vehicles
- Section 31-2-208 - Renumbered
- Section 31-2-209 - Renumbered
- Section 31-2-210 - Renumbered
- Section 31-2-211 - Renumbered
- Section 31-2-212 - Loss, mutilation or destruction of registration, plates or validation stickers
- Section 31-2-213 - Department to supply registration certificates, plates and stickers; removable windshield placards
- Section 31-2-214 - Transfer of ownership
- Section 31-2-215 - Disabled veteran's license plates
- Section 31-2-216 - Special plates; former prisoners of war
- Section 31-2-217 - Special plates; Pearl Harbor survivors; national guard members; armed forces veterans; purple heart recipients; women armed forces veteran decals
- Section 31-2-218 - Firefighter's license plates
- Section 31-2-219 - University of Wyoming license plates
- Section 31-2-220 - Emergency medical technician's license plates
- Section 31-2-221 - Prestige license plates
- Section 31-2-222 - Radio amateur license plates
- Section 31-2-223 - Antique motor vehicles
- Section 31-2-224 - Registration exemptions
- Section 31-2-225 - Application requirements; contents; weight certificate; title requirement; liability
- Section 31-2-226 - Street rods
- Section 31-2-227 - Custom vehicles
- Section 31-2-228 - Embossed license plates
- Section 31-2-229 - Special plates; gold star
- Section 31-2-230 - Tribal license plates
- Section 31-2-231 - Wildlife conservation license plates; wildlife conservation account; authority to receive and expend monies
- Section 31-2-232 - Specified off-road vehicle licensing and registration
- Section 31-2-233 - Organ, eye and tissue donation license plates