Article 1 - IN GENERAL
- Section 30-5-101 - Definitions
- Section 30-5-102 - Waste prohibited; power of commission to allocate allowable production
- Section 30-5-103 - Oil and gas conservation commission; composition; expenses; hearings; director of oil and gas conservation; legal advisors
- Section 30-5-104 - Oil and gas conservation commission; powers and duties; investigations; rules and regulations
- Section 30-5-105 - Oil and gas conservation commission; hearings; conducted by examiners; procedures
- Section 30-5-106 - When hearings held before commission
- Section 30-5-107 - Hearings; W.S. 30-5-105 through 30-5-107 subordinate to Administrative Procedure Act
- Section 30-5-108 - State oil and gas supervisor; appointment; duties; authority of commission to appoint other employees; payment of traveling and living expenses
- Section 30-5-109 - Rules and regulations governing drilling units
- Section 30-5-110 - Agreements for waterflooding or other recovery operations, repressuring or pressure-maintenance operations, cycling or recycling operations; operation as a unit of 1 or more pools or parts thereof and pooling of interests in oil and gas therein; amendment of orders and agreements
- Section 30-5-111 - Rules of practice and procedure; hearings; emergency orders; notice; public inspection
- Section 30-5-112 - Summoning witnesses and production of record; no abridgment of rights; failure to testify
- Section 30-5-113 - Time within which suit to be brought by person adversely affected; appeals; procedure
- Section 30-5-114 - Suits by commission for violation or threatened violation of act; restraining violation; recovery of penalties
- Section 30-5-115 - Notice of intention and permit required to drill well; fee
- Section 30-5-116 - Disposition of monies; payment of expenses; charge assessed on value of oil or gas produced
- Section 30-5-117 - Construction of act generally
- Section 30-5-118 - Applicability of act
- Section 30-5-119 - Penalties for violation of act, orders of commission; penalties cumulative
- Section 30-5-120 - Additional forfeiture or civil penalty for flaring of gas in excess of amounts permitted by order of commission
- Section 30-5-121 - Waste of natural gas prohibited
- Section 30-5-122 - Sale of natural gas for wasteful purposes prohibited
- Section 30-5-123 - Penalty for violation of sections 30-5-121 and 30-5-122
- Section 30-5-124 - Purchase or taking ratably oil and gas for transportation without discrimination in favor of any owner or producer; oil
- Section 30-5-125 - Purchase or taking ratably oil and gas for transportation without discrimination in favor of any owner or producer; gas
- Section 30-5-126 - Purchase or taking ratably oil and gas for transportation without discrimination in favor of any owner or producer; oil and gas conservation commission to administer
- Section 30-5-127 - Payment of penalties
- Section 30-5-128 - Unitization of areas to restore or enhance the microbial conversion of hydrocarbon substrates to methane gas; purposes; application; contents