Section 27-14-502 - Employee's injury report to employer and division; presumption raised by failure to file report; release of information(a) As soon as is practical but not later than seventy-two (72) hours after the general nature of the injury became apparent, an injured employee shall, in writing or by other means approved by the department, report the occurrence and general nature of the accident or injury to the employer. In addition, the injured employee shall within ten (10) days after the injury became apparent, file an injury report with the employer and the division in a manner and containing information prescribed by division rule and regulation. If the injured employee is physically unable to comply, a personal representative of the employee, his dependents or a personal representative of the dependents in case of death shall, following notification by the employer or department of reporting requirements, make and file the report for the injured employee. (b) If an injured employee, any dependent or personal representative makes a written report of the injury to the employer or his representative, the employer shall acknowledge receipt of the report in writing either upon the report or a copy of the report. (c) Failure of the injured employee, any dependent or personal representative to report the accident or injury to the employer and to file the injury report in accordance with subsection (a) of this section is a presumption that the claim shall be denied. The presumption may be rebutted if the employee establishes by clear and convincing evidence a lack of prejudice to the employer or division in investigating the injury and in monitoring medical treatment. (d) The filing of an employee's injury report under this section is a release of information for the duration of the benefit period and upon request and upon notice to the employee, any medical care provider, physician or hospital treating the employee for the injury shall release medical records pertaining to the injury to the division or the employer.