Section 27-14-206 - Public contract work; coverage procedure; responsibility on private contracts(a) If the state, county, University of Wyoming, community college district, school district, special district or municipality engages in work in which employees are employed for wages and if the work is being done by contract, the payroll of the prime or general contractor or subcontractor shall be the basis of computation for the payroll assessment. The required payments shall be subject to the provisions of this act and the state, the county, university, community college district, school district, special district or municipality, shall be entitled to collect from the prime or general contractor the full amount payable under this act unless the subcontractor primarily liable for the payment of premiums has paid the premiums as provided for in this act. (b) The prime or general contractor shall secure certification when a contract is awarded or before permitting a subcontractor to begin work, that the subcontractor has in good standing an account under this act that covers all coverable employees in the employ of the subcontractor. (c) The state, county, university, community college district, school district, special district or municipality shall secure certification before allowing a prime or general contractor to permit coverable employees to start work on a contract, that the contractor, prime or general, has in good standing an account under this act that covers employees who are subject to this act. (d) Before final settlement is made by the state, county, university, community college district, school district, special district or municipality, the contractor shall furnish evidence that all obligations for covered employees on the contract have been paid as provided by this act. (e) In private work a contractor who subcontracts all or any part of a contract is liable for the payment of worker's compensation premiums for the employees of the subcontractor unless the subcontractor primarily liable for the payment of premiums has paid the premiums as provided for in this act. Any contractor or his carrier who becomes liable for the premiums may recover the amount of the premiums paid and necessary expenses from the subcontractor primarily liable therefor. For premiums paid on behalf of the employees of any subcontractor pursuant to this subsection, the contractor shall be afforded all privileges and immunities under this act as if he were the employer of the subcontractor's employees. (f) The owner or lessee of land shall be deemed a contractor when he contracts with another who shall be deemed a subcontractor to have work performed of a kind which is a regular or recurrent part of the work of the trade, business, occupation or profession of the owner or lessee. This subsection shall not apply to the owner or lessee of land principally used for agriculture.