Section 26-4-103 - Premium taxes; generally; preemption by state(a) Each authorized and formerly authorized insurer shall file with the commissioner on or before March 1 each year or within any extended period the commissioner grants not to exceed thirty (30) days, a report in a form the commissioner prescribes showing, except for wet marine and transportation insurance as defined in W.S. 26-5-107 and except as provided under subsection (k) of this section, total direct premium income including policy, membership and other fees, and all other considerations for insurance and annuity contracts, however designated, it received during the immediately preceding calendar year because of policies and contracts covering property, subjects or risks located, resident or to be performed in this state. The report shall also identify separately the premiums charged on life insurance policies with annualized premiums exceeding one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for the immediately preceding calendar year. The total direct premium income reported shall include proper proportionate allocation of premiums or consideration as to those persons, property, subjects or risks in this state insured or covered under policies or contracts covering persons, property, subjects or risks located or resident in more than one (1) state, and shall be computed after deducting:(i) The amount of return premiums on cancelled policies, but not including the return of cash surrender values on life policies or annuity contracts; and(ii) The amount returned to policyholders as current dividends.(iii) Repealed by Laws 1986, ch. 22, §§ 1, 4.(b) At the same time the report is filed, each insurer shall pay for the privilege of transacting business in this state, a tax upon net premiums and net considerations to be computed at the following rates:(i) As to each insurer, the tax rate, except as to annuity considerations, shall be as follows: (A) Repealed by Laws 2020, ch. 136, § 2.(B) Repealed by Laws 2020, ch. 136, § 2.(C) Repealed by Laws 2020, ch. 136, § 2.(D) Except as provided in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph, for premium income received, seventy-five hundredths percent (.75%);(E) For premium income received, seventy-five hundredths percent (.75%) on the first one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) of a life insurance policy's annual premium and seventy-five thousandths of one percent (.075%) on that portion of a life insurance policy's annual premium exceeding one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00).(ii) Repealed by Laws 1986, ch. 22, §§ 2, 4.(iii) As to annuity considerations, the tax rate is one percent (1%).(c) As to wet marine and transportation insurance, on or before March 1 of each year each authorized and formerly authorized insurer shall file its report with the commissioner, on forms he prescribes and furnishes or accepts, of its gross underwriting profit on that insurance written in Wyoming during the immediately preceding calendar year, and, at the same time, shall pay a tax of three-fourths percent (3/4%) of the gross underwriting profit.(d) The gross underwriting profit shall be ascertained by deducting from the net premiums (i.e. gross premiums less all return premiums and premiums for reinsurance) on the wet marine and transportation insurance contracts the net losses paid (i.e. gross losses paid less salvage and recoveries on reinsurance ceded) during the calendar year under the contracts. In the case of insurers issuing participating contracts, for tax computation under this subsection, gross underwriting profit does not include the amounts refunded or paid as participating dividends by those insurers to the holders of those contracts.(e) Repealed by Laws 1986, ch. 22, § 3.(f) Payment of the tax required by this section is instead of all taxes imposed by the state upon premiums or upon income and of franchise, privilege or other taxes measured by the insurer's income.(g) The state preempts the field of regulating, or of imposing any taxes, licenses and fees upon insurers and their general agents, agents and other representatives and on the intangible property of insurers or their representatives. All political subdivisions or agencies in the state are prohibited from regulating insurers or their general agents, agents and other representatives and from imposing or levying upon them any tax, license or fee. This provision does not prohibit the imposition by political subdivisions of taxes upon real and tangible personal property of insurers, general agents, agents and representatives.(h) The provisions of subsections (f) and (g) of this section shall not be modified or repealed by any law of general application enacted after December 31, 1967 unless expressly referred to or expressly repealed therein.(j) No tax is due or payable because of premiums or considerations received from policies or contracts issued in connection with a pension annuity or profit-sharing plan exempt or qualified under sections 401, 403, 404, 408, 457 or 501 of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended or renumbered.(k) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, any authorized insurer selling insurance shall beginning January 1, 1991 and in accordance with this subsection, pay premium taxes quarterly based upon an estimate of taxes payable on total direct premium income including policy, membership and other fees: (i) Each estimated quarterly tax payment shall be payable on or before the last day of the month immediately following the end of the calendar quarter for which payment is due, except payment for the calendar quarter ending December 31 of each year shall be payable on or before March 1 of the immediately succeeding calendar year and shall include any adjustments for the calendar year for which the final quarterly payment is made. Except for the calendar quarter ending December 31, the quarterly payment shall not be less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total premium tax paid during the preceding calendar year;(ii) Any adjustment to estimated quarterly payments for any calendar year and any claim by an insurer for a refund shall be made at the time of filing the annual report required under subsection (a) of this section. Following notice to the insurer by the commissioner, adjustment under this paragraph may be added to or deducted from subsequent quarterly payments under this subsection;(iii) The commissioner shall suspend or revoke the certificate of authority for any insurer failing to pay premium taxes pursuant to this subsection.(m) The amount of tax credits for which an insurer qualifies under W.S. 9-12-1301 through 9-12-1312 shall be allowed as a credit against premium tax owed by the insurer under subsections (a) through (k) of this section.(n) At the same time a report under subsection (a) of this section is filed, an insurer making private health benefit plans available in this state, and any plan which has entered into agreement under W.S. 42-4-123(j), shall pay to the commissioner a three-quarter percent (.75%) assessment upon net premiums and net considerations. The commissioner shall, not more than thirty (30) days after receipt, transfer premium assessments paid under this subsection to the air ambulance coverage account. Application of this subsection shall be contingent on operation of the air ambulance transport services program under W.S. 42-4-123(b).
Amended by Laws 2020 , ch. 136, § 1 and 2, eff. 1/1/2021.Amended by Laws 2020 , ch. 22, § 2, eff. 3/9/2020.Amended by Laws 2019 , ch. 189, § 3, eff. 4/1/2020.