Section 26-39-102 - Definitions(a) As used in this act: (i) "Block of business" means all those individual, group or blanket disability insurance contracts issued by an insurance company under a particular policy form approved by the Wyoming insurance department; (ii) "Closed block of business" means a block of business where an insurer ceases to market or sell in Wyoming any new individual, group or blanket disability insurance contracts under a particular policy form and no new contracts are being added to the block; (iii) "Policy form" means a representative insurance contract which has been filed by an insurer for approval by the Wyoming insurance department pursuant to W.S. 26-15-110 so that other contracts with identical language to that of the policy form may be marketed and sold in Wyoming;(iv) "This act" means W.S. 26-39-101 through 26-39-104.