Section 26-11-118 - Tax on surplus lines(a) Repealed By Laws 2011, Ch. 103, § 3.(b) Repealed By Laws 2011, Ch. 103, § 3.(c) In addition to the full amount of gross premiums charged by the insurer for the insurance, every surplus lines broker shall collect and pay to the commissioner a sum equal to three percent (3%) of the gross premiums charged, less any return premiums, for surplus lines insurance provided by the surplus lines broker. Where the insurance covers properties, risks or exposures located or to be performed both in and out of Wyoming, the sum payable shall be computed based on: (i) An amount equal to three percent (3%) on that portion of the gross premiums allocated to this state; plus(ii) An amount equal to the portion of the premiums allocated to other states or territories on the basis of the tax rates and fees applicable to other properties, risks or exposures located or to be performed outside of Wyoming; less(iii) The amount of gross premiums allocated to this state and returned to the insured.(d) The tax on any portion of the premium unearned at termination of insurance having been credited by the state to the surplus lines broker shall be returned to the policyholder directly by the surplus lines broker. The surplus lines broker is prohibited from rebating, for any reason, any part of the tax.(e) At the time of filing an affidavit report required by W.S. 26-11-117, each surplus lines broker shall pay the premium tax due for each calendar quarter's business as reported, in the manner prescribed by the commissioner. An alternative reporting and payment period may be required by participation in a multistate compact, reciprocal agreement or clearinghouse pursuant to subsection (g) of this section. The surplus lines broker shall pay interest on the amount of any delinquent tax due, at the rate of nine percent (9%) per year, compounded annually, beginning the day the amount becomes delinquent.(f) If a surplus lines policy procured through a surplus lines broker covers properties, risks or exposures only partially located or to be performed in Wyoming, the tax due shall be computed on the portions of the premiums which are attributable to the properties, risks or exposures located or to be performed in this state. In determining the amount of premiums taxable in Wyoming, all premiums written, procured or received in Wyoming shall be considered written on properties, risks or exposures located or to be performed in Wyoming, except premiums which are properly allocated or apportioned and reported as taxable premiums of a reciprocal state.(g) The commissioner may participate in a multistate compact, reciprocal agreement or clearinghouse with other states for the purpose of collecting, allocating and disbursing any funds collected pursuant to subsection (c) of this section. To the extent that other states where portions of the properties, risks or exposures reside have failed to enter into a compact or reciprocal allocation procedure with Wyoming, the net premium tax collected shall be retained by this state.(h) The commissioner is authorized to utilize the allocation schedule included in the nonadmitted insurance multistate agreement for the purpose of allocating risk and computing the tax due on the portion of premium attributable to each risk classification and to each state where properties, risks or exposures are located.(j) The clearinghouse is authorized to collect from the surplus lines broker a reasonable service fee, as approved by the commissioner, as a percentage of total gross premiums of each surplus lines policy or document reported under this chapter to cover the cost of administrative services of the clearinghouse. The service fee shall be paid by the insured.Amended by Laws 2020 , ch. 45, § 1, eff. 7/1/2020.Amended by Laws 2012 , ch. 37, § 2, eff. 3/8/2012.Amended by Laws 2011 , ch. 103, §§2, 3, eff. 7/1/2011.