- Section 21-6-201 - Purpose
- Section 21-6-202 - Definitions
- Section 21-6-203 - District boundary boards; membership; style
- Section 21-6-204 - Quorum; majority vote
- Section 21-6-205 - Chairman; meetings
- Section 21-6-206 - Duties of secretary
- Section 21-6-207 - Proposal to change boundaries, reorganize or combine districts; criteria
- Section 21-6-208 - Creation of new unified school districts from within boundaries of existing school districts
- Section 21-6-209 - Proposal to abolish or combine district failing to maintain school
- Section 21-6-210 - Powers and duties of state committee
- Section 21-6-211 - Approval or rejection of proposal by state committee
- Section 21-6-212 - Filing of notice of approval or rejection; proposal effective on filing
- Section 21-6-213 - Notice to districts affected by action of committee
- Section 21-6-214 - City or town to be all in one district; district may include other territory
- Section 21-6-215 - Appointment and terms of trustees for new districts
- Section 21-6-216 - Newly organized school district a body corporate; authority of trustees; old districts to cease to exist
- Section 21-6-217 - New districts may draw proportion of funds from old districts; transfer of property
- Section 21-6-218 - Allocation of assets and debts upon reorganization of districts
- Section 21-6-219 - Adjustment of state foundation entitlement
- Section 21-6-220 - Name or number of newly created district
- Section 21-6-221 - School advisory boards
- Section 21-6-222 - Election of elementary school districts to create unified school districts; levy of taxes at maximum rates
- Section 21-6-223 - Elementary school districts not electing to organize and unify; affiliation with unified high school districts
- Section 21-6-224 - Judicial review of actions of board
- Section 21-6-225 - Contract rights and benefits of employees and teachers
- Section 21-6-226 - Boundaries of school districts; filing with the department of revenue