- Section 21-4-301 - Schools to be free and accessible to all children; minimum school year
- Section 21-4-302 - Age for registration in first grade and kindergarten; preschool programs
- Section 21-4-302.1 - Advance enrollment for children of transferred military personnel
- Section 21-4-302.2 - Enrollment and transfer for children of active duty military members; discrimination
- Section 21-4-303 - Right not denied on account of sex, race or religion
- Section 21-4-304 - [Repealed]
- Section 21-4-305 - Suspension or expulsion; authority; procedure
- Section 21-4-306 - Suspension or expulsion; grounds
- Section 21-4-307 - Denial of admission to school
- Section 21-4-308 - Punishment and disciplinary measures; denial of diploma or credit
- Section 21-4-309 - Mandatory immunizations for children attending schools; exceptions
- Section 21-4-310 - Self-administration of medication for potentially life threatening conditions
- Section 21-4-311 - Safe school climate act; short title
- Section 21-4-312 - Definitions
- Section 21-4-313 - Prohibition against harassment, intimidation or bullying; reporting to school officials
- Section 21-4-314 - School district implementation; state policies, training and technical assistance
- Section 21-4-315 - Applicability; no civil liability created; immunity
- Section 21-4-316 - Administration of stock epinephrine auto-injectors