Section 21-3-302.2 - Wyoming charter school authorizing board(a) There is created the Wyoming charter school authorizing board. The mission of the board is to authorize high quality public charter schools.(b) The Wyoming charter school authorizing board shall consist of the following eight (8) members: (i) Three (3) members appointed by the superintendent of public instruction. Each member appointed under this paragraph shall have at minimum five (5) years of experience in Wyoming in education;(ii) The chairman of the state board of education, or the chairman's designee;(iii) Three (3) members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate;(iv) The dean of the University of Wyoming's college of education, or his designee.(c) Each member appointed shall represent the public interest and satisfy all of the following requirements: (i) Be a resident of the state;(ii) Possess experience and expertise in public or nonprofit governance, management and finance, public school leadership, assessment, curriculum or instruction or public education law.(d) Of the initial members appointed to the board, the members appointed under paragraph (b)(i) of this section shall serve two (2) year terms and the members appointed under paragraph (b)(iii) of this section shall serve four (4) year terms. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for four (4) year terms. The initial appointments shall be made not later than July 1, 2023.(e) Members appointed to the board under paragraph (b)(i) of this section may be removed by the superintendent of public instruction. Members appointed to the board by the governor under paragraph (b)(iii) of this section may be removed in accordance with W.S. 9-1-202.(f) Vacancies shall be appointed pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.(g) The board shall meet not less than two (2) times each year.(h) All appointed members of the board shall receive compensation, per diem and mileage for actual time spent in performance of their duties and traveling expenses while in attendance and going to and from board meetings in the same manner and amount as members of the Wyoming legislature.(j) Members shall be subject to the Ethics and Disclosure Act, W.S. 9-13-101 through 9-13-109.Added by Laws 2023, ch. 179,§ 1, eff. 7/1/2023.