Article 1 - IN GENERAL
- Section 21-20-101 - Short title
- Section 21-20-102 - Purpose
- Section 21-20-103 - Definitions
- Section 21-20-104 - Board of cooperative educational services; generally
- Section 21-20-105 - Board of cooperative educational services; chairman, vice-chairman, clerk and treasurer; meetings
- Section 21-20-106 - Cost of facilities, equipment and services
- Section 21-20-107 - Powers and duties of board of cooperative educational services
- Section 21-20-108 - Powers and duties of board of cooperative educational services; property; contracts; gifts, grants, bequests or devises; employment and discharge of personnel; expenses; bonding of employees
- Section 21-20-109 - Special school district tax for board of cooperative educational services; election not required; determination of levy amount
- Section 21-20-110 - Additional special school district tax; election; limitations; special community college district levy
- Section 21-20-111 - Special school district taxes; in addition to existing district tax limitations; distribution of tax revenues; withdrawal from participation
- Section 21-20-112 - Authority to act as a local education agency