- Section 14-6-401 - Short title
- Section 14-6-402 - Definitions
- Section 14-6-403 - Juvenile court authority over certain issues
- Section 14-6-404 - Venue; change of venue or judge
- Section 14-6-405 - Taking of child into custody; when permitted
- Section 14-6-406 - Child in custody; no detention or shelter care placement without court order; exceptions; notice to parent or guardian; release
- Section 14-6-407 - Detention or shelter care; delivery of child pending hearing; placing children; notice if no court order
- Section 14-6-408 - Notice of detention or shelter care to be given district attorney; written statement required; duty of district attorney
- Section 14-6-409 - Taking of child into custody; informal hearing where no court order; conditional release; evidence; rehearing
- Section 14-6-410 - Hearing conducted by commissioner; authority and duty; review by court
- Section 14-6-411 - Complaints alleging child in need of supervision; investigation and determination by district attorney
- Section 14-6-412 - Commencement of proceedings; contents of petition
- Section 14-6-413 - Order to appear; contents thereof; when child taken into immediate custody; waiver of service
- Section 14-6-414 - Service of process; order of custody
- Section 14-6-415 - Presence of parent, custodian or guardian at hearing; failure to appear; avoidance of service; issuance of bench warrant
- Section 14-6-416 - Appointment of guardian ad litem
- Section 14-6-417 - Subpoenas for witnesses and evidence
- Section 14-6-418 - Search warrant; when authorized; affidavit required; contents of affidavit and warrant; service and return
- Section 14-6-419 - Physical and mental examinations
- Section 14-6-420 - Emergency medical, surgical or dental examination or treatment
- Section 14-6-421 - Reports of medical or mental examinations; use of results; copies
- Section 14-6-422 - Advising of right to counsel required; appointment of counsel; verification of financial condition
- Section 14-6-423 - Rights of parties generally; demand for and conduct of jury trial
- Section 14-6-424 - Conduct of hearings generally; exclusion of general public and child; exceptions; consolidations permitted
- Section 14-6-425 - Burden of proof required; verdict of jury; effect thereof
- Section 14-6-426 - Initial appearance; adjudicatory hearing; entry of decree and disposition; evidentiary matters; continuance of disposition hearing
- Section 14-6-427 - Predisposition studies and reports
- Section 14-6-428 - Abeyance of proceedings by consent decree; term of decree; reinstatement of proceedings; effect of discharge or completing term
- Section 14-6-429 - Decree where child adjudged in need of supervision; dispositions; terms and conditions; legal custody
- Section 14-6-430 - Orders of protection; requirements
- Section 14-6-431 - Duration of orders of disposition; termination of orders
- Section 14-6-432 - Appeal; right generally; transcript provided; cost thereof
- Section 14-6-433 - Stay of orders pending appeal; securing of payment; staying transfer of legal custody
- Section 14-6-434 - Fees, costs and expenses
- Section 14-6-435 - Ordering payment for support and treatment of child; how paid; enforcement
- Section 14-6-436 - Proceedings deemed in equity
- Section 14-6-437 - Records and reports confidential; inspection
- Section 14-6-438 - Liability for contempt; penalties
- Section 14-6-439 - Separate docket for juvenile cases; availability of records for statistics
- Section 14-6-440 - Expungement of records in juvenile court