Section 75.37 - Waste on land subject to a tax certificate(1) It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to cut, destroy or remove any logs, wood or timber or any buildings, fixtures and other improvements assessed as real property from any land included in a tax certificate for the nonpayment of taxes while such taxes remain unpaid; and if any person shall cut, destroy or remove the same from such lands during the time aforesaid the county treasurer of the county in which such lands are situated shall issue a warrant under the treasurer's hand and seal to the sheriff, giving therein a description of such lands, the amount of such taxes, with interest and charges thereon then remaining unpaid and the years for which the same are unpaid, commanding such sheriff forthwith to seize such logs, wood, timber, buildings, fixtures and improvements, or materials salvaged therefrom, wherever the same may be found and to sell the same or a sufficient amount thereof to satisfy such taxes, with the interest and charges thereon and the costs of such seizure and sale.(2) The sheriff shall receive such warrant and execute the same as therein directed, as in case of levy and sale on execution, and make return thereof with his or her doings thereon to the county treasurer within 60 days after the receipt of the same and pay over all money collected thereon to such treasurer.