Section 111.38 - Investigation and study of discrimination Except as provided under s. 111.375(2), the department shall:
(1) Investigate the existence, character, causes and extent of discrimination in this state and the extent to which the same is susceptible of elimination.(2) Study the best and most practicable ways of eliminating any discrimination found to exist, and formulate plans for the elimination thereof by education or other practicable means.(3) Publish and disseminate reports embodying its findings and the results of its investigations and studies relating to discrimination and ways and means of reducing or eliminating it.(4) Confer, cooperate with and furnish technical assistance to employers, labor unions, educational institutions and other public or private agencies in formulating programs, educational and otherwise, for the elimination of discrimination.(5) Make specific and detailed recommendations to the interested parties as to the methods of eliminating discrimination.(6) Transmit to the legislature from time to time recommendations for any legislation which may be deemed desirable in the light of the department's findings as to the existence, character and causes of any discrimination.1977 c. 196; 1981 c. 334 ss. 18, 25 (2); Stats. 1981 s. 111.38.