- Section 14.76 - Interstate compacts
- Section 14.78 - Great Lakes compact commission
- Section 14.81 - Midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste commission
- Section 14.82 - Interstate insurance product regulation commission
- Section 14.83 - Interstate medical licensure compact
- Section 14.835 - PA licensure compact
- Section 14.84 - Great Lakes protection fund
- Section 14.85 - Mississippi River parkway commission
- Section 14.86 - Midwest interstate passenger rail commission
- Section 14.87 - Nurse licensure compact
- Section 14.875 - Dentist and dental hygienist compact
- Section 14.88 - Physical therapy licensure compact
- Section 14.89 - Occupational therapy licensure compact
- Section 14.895 - Psychology interjurisdictional compact
- Section 14.896 - Counseling compact
- Section 14.897 - Audiology and speech-language pathology licensure compact
- Section 14.90 - Midwestern higher education commission
- Section 14.91 - State council on the interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children
- Section 14.92 - Interstate Commission for Juveniles
- Section 14.94 - Interstate Commission for the Placement of Children
- Section 14.95 - Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Council