Wis. Stat. § 13.33
Either house ordering any summary process may also direct the sergeant at arms to specially depute some competent person to execute the same, and such deputation shall be endorsed on such process in writing over the signature of the sergeant at arms to whom the same is directed. The person so deputed shall have the same power as the sergeant at arms in respect thereto, and shall execute the same according to the mandate thereof, and for that purpose the sergeant at arms or the deputy may call to his or her aid the power of the county wherein such writ is to be executed the same as the sheriff of such county could do for the purpose of arresting a person charged with crime under process issued by a court of competent jurisdiction; and any sergeant at arms having any person in custody by virtue of any such summary process may depute any other person to have charge of the person so in custody, and the person so deputed shall have the same power over such person as is conferred upon the sergeant at arms.
Wis. Stat. § 13.33