- Section 60A-4-401 - Prohibited acts; penalties
- Section 60A-4-402 - Prohibited acts B; penalties
- Section 60A-4-403 - Prohibited acts C; penalties
- Section 60A-4-403a - [Repealed]
- Section 60A-4-404 - Penalties under other laws
- Section 60A-4-405 - Bar to prosecution
- Section 60A-4-406 - Distribution to persons under the age of 18 by persons over the age of 21; distribution by persons 18 or over in, on, or within 1,000 feet of, school or college; distribution by persons 18 or over in, on, or within 200 feet of a public library; increasing mandatory period of incarceration prior to parole eligibility
- Section 60A-4-407 - Conditional discharge for first offense of possession
- Section 60A-4-407a - Authorizing additional requirements to obtain a final order of discharge and dismissal for persons charged with possession of controlled substances
- Section 60A-4-408 - Second or subsequent offenses
- Section 60A-4-409 - Prohibited acts - transportation of controlled substances into state; penalties
- Section 60A-4-410 - Prohibited acts - Withholding information from practitioner; additional controlled substances; penalties
- Section 60A-4-411 - Operating or attempting to operate clandestine drug laboratories; offenses; penalties
- Section 60A-4-412 - Defeating drug and alcohol screening tests; penalties
- Section 60A-4-413 - Unlawful production, manufacture or possession of Salvia divinorum
- Section 60A-4-414 - Conspiracy
- Section 60A-4-415 - [Repealed]
- Section 60A-4-416 - Drug delivery resulting in death; failure to render aid
- Section 60A-4-417 - Sale of dextromethorphan
- Section 60A-4-418 - Use of a minor to commit a felony drug offense; penalties