Section 5A-3-33f - Effects of debarment(a) Unless the director determines in writing that there is a compelling reason to do otherwise, the state and its subdivisions may not solicit offers from, award contracts to, nor consent to subcontract with a debarred vendor during the debarment period.(b) The contracting officer may not exercise an option to renew or otherwise extend a current contract with a debarred vendor, nor a contract which is being performed in any part by a debarred subcontractor, unless the director approves the action in writing, based on compelling reasons for exercise of the option or extension.(c) The debarment decision may extend to all commodities and services of the vendor, or may be limited to specific commodities or services, as the director specifically finds, in the debarment procedure under §5A-3-33e of this code, to be in the public interest based on the substantial record.(d) The director may extend the debarment to include a related party of the vendor. The director shall follow the same procedure, and afford the affiliate like notice, hearing, and other rights, for extending the debarment to the affiliate as provided for under §5A-3-33e of this code for the debarment of the vendor. For purposes of this section, a "related party" may include: (1) Spouses, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, or grandchildren of a debarred vendor or individual;(2) Any individual or entity that partially or completely owns, controls, or influences, or is partially or completely owned, controlled, or influenced by the actions of a debarred vendor or individual;(3) Entities that are related under common ownership or control with a debarred vendor; or(4) A business entity or individual that has contracted with or employed a debarred vendor or individual to perform work on one or more public contracts.(e) The director may reduce the period or extent of debarment, upon the vendor's request supported by documentation, for the following reasons: (1) Newly discovered material evidence;(2) Reversal of the conviction or judgment upon which debarment was based;(3) Elimination of the causes for which the debarment was imposed; or(4) Other good cause shown, including evidence that the vendor has become responsible.(f) The director may extend the debarment period for an additional period if the director determines that the extension is necessary to protect the interests of the state. Upon the expiration of a debarment period, the director shall extend the debarment period for any vendor who has not paid all current state obligations for at least the four most recent calendar quarters, exempting the current calendar quarter, and for any vendor who is in default on a repayment agreement with an agency of the state, until such time as the cause for the extended debarment is removed. If the director extends the debarment period, the director shall follow the same procedures, and afford the vendor like notice, hearing, and other rights for extending the debarment, as provided for debarment under §5A-3-33e of this code.(g) A debarment under this article may be waived by the director with respect to a particular contract if the director determines the debarment of the vendor would severely disrupt the operation of a governmental entity to the detriment of the general public or would not be in the public interest.Amended by 2018 Acts, ch. 96 (SB 283), eff. 6/8/2018.