Section 48-18-122 - Central state case registry(a) The bureau for child support enforcement shall establish and maintain a central state case registry of child support orders. All orders in cases when any party receives any service provided by the bureau for child support enforcement shall be included in the registry. Any other support order entered or modified in this state on or after the first day of October, one thousand nine hundred ninety-eight, shall be included in the registry. The bureau for child support enforcement, upon receipt of any information regarding a new hire provided pursuant to section 18-125 of this article shall compare information received to determine if the new hire's income is subject to wage withholding and notify the employer pursuant to that section.(b) Each party to a child support proceeding shall, upon entry of an order awarding or modifying child support, complete and file with the clerk of the circuit court issuing the order a form, to be promulgated by the administrative office of the supreme court of appeals, listing information concerning the location and identity of a party including, but not limited to: The party's social security number, residential and mailing address, telephone number and driver's license number; the child's name, birth date and social security number; and the party's employer's name, address and telephone number. The clerk shall promptly forward all such information to the state case registry. The parties are required to notify the state case registry of any change in the information contained on the form, and every order for support shall so state. All information provided to the state case registry shall be subject to the privacy and confidentiality safeguards contained in section 18-131.(c) In any subsequent child support enforcement action between the parties, there shall be a presumption that the requirements for notice and service of process have been met upon a showing that the bureau for child support enforcement has made a diligent effort to ascertain the location of a party by delivery of written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the most recent employer or residential mailing address filed with the state case registry pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.