Section 47-11B-4 - License application requirementsAny person desiring to conduct a sale regulated by this article shall make a written application under oath to the commissioner. Said application shall be accompanied by the approved bond specified in section nine of this article. If the application is for a "closing-out sale" or a "defunct business sale," it shall be filed at least ten days prior to the date on which such sale is to commence. If the application is for a "sale of goods damaged by fire, smoke or water," it may be made at any time prior to the date on which such sale is to commence.
All applications for a licensed sale regulated by this article shall set forth and contain the following information:
(1) The name and address of the applicant who must be the true owner of the goods, wares or merchandise to be sold, and if the applicant be a partnership, the names and addresses of all partners, or if the applicant be a corporation or association, the date and place of incorporation or organization, the address of the principal office within the state and the names and addresses of all the officers of the applicant.(2) The name and address of the person or persons who will be in charge and responsible for the conduct of such sale.(3) The exact address of the place at which the proposed sale is to be conducted and the length of time the applicant has been engaged in business at such location.(4) The date on which it is proposed to begin the sale.(5) The nature of the occupancy where such sale is to be held whether by lease or otherwise and the effective date of termination of such occupancy.(6) The reason for the urgent and expeditious disposal of the goods, wares or merchandise to be offered at such sale.(7) A statement of the descriptive name of the sale and the reasons why the name is truthfully descriptive of the sale.(8) A statement that the business is to be terminated permanently or reopened at another location, the location of the premises at which the business is to be moved, if the applicant intends to resume the operation of the business upon the termination of the sale, and the name or designation under which such business is to be resumed.(9) A full, complete, detailed and itemized inventory of the goods, wares and merchandise to be offered at such sale as disclosed by applicant's records which inventory shall:(i) Itemize the goods to be offered for sale and contain sufficient information concerning each item including quantity, make, brand name, model and manufacturer's number, if any, to clearly identify it.(ii) List separately any goods to be offered for sale which were purchased and received during a ninety-day period immediately prior to the date of making application for the license.(iii) The total retail value of the inventory of goods, wares and merchandise to be offered at such sale based on the inventory used for applicant's most recent federal income tax return adjusted for sales and purchases.(iv) If the application is for a license to conduct a "sale of goods damaged by fire, smoke or water" and the applicant was not the owner at the time when the goods, wares and merchandise to be offered at the contemplated sale were damaged, he shall attach to the said application certified copies of the bill of sale and all other documents connected with such transfer obtained by him from the previous owner of such goods, wares and merchandise.(v) If the application is for a license to conduct a "defunct business sale" and the applicant was not the owner of the goods, wares and merchandise to be offered at the contemplated sale at the time of occurrence of the circumstances warranting the termination of such business, he shall attach to the application certified copies of the bill of sale and the official appraisal made by the trustee, receiver, assignee for benefit of creditor, referee in bankruptcy or the personalrepresentative of a decedent.(10) A statement that no goods will be added to the inventory after the application is made.(11) A statement that all goods included in such inventory have been purchased by the applicant for resale on bona fide orders without cancellation privileges and that said inventory comprises no goods purchased on consignment.(12) A statement that no merchandise listed in the inventory has been the subject of a licensed sale conducted within one year prior to the date of the application unless such merchandise was damaged by fire, smoke or water while in the possession of the applicant.