Section 4-10-9 - Regulatory board review(a) The division shall conduct regulatory board reviews on each regulatory board to ascertain if there is a need for the continuation, consolidation, or termination of the regulatory board as one of its duties.(b) A regulatory board review shall be performed on each regulatory board at least once every 12 years. A regulatory board may be subject to a compliance review pursuant to the provisions of this article.(c) When a new regulatory board is created, a date for a regulatory board review shall be included in the act that creates the board, within 12 years of the effective date of the act.(d) The regulatory board review may include: (1) Whether the board complies with the policies and provisions of chapter 30 of this code and other applicable laws and rules;(2) Whether the board follows a disciplinary procedure which observes due process rights and protects the public interest;(3) Whether the basis or facts that necessitated the initial licensing or regulation of a profession or occupation have changed, or other conditions have arisen that would warrant increased or decreased regulation;(4) Whether the composition of the board adequately represents the public interest and whether the board encourages public participation in its decisions rather than participation only by the industry and individuals it regulates;(5) Whether statutory changes are necessary to improve board operations to enhance the public interest;(6) An analysis of any other issues the committee, the joint standing committee, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Delegates, or by recommendation of the joint standing committee.(7) A recommendation as to whether the regulatory board under review should be continued, consolidated, or terminated.Amended by 2024 Acts, ch. TBD (SB 687), eff. 6/5/2024.