W. Va. Code § 38-1-6
Every deed for real estate sold under a trust deed may be made in the following form, or to the same effect: This deed, made the ........ day of ........, between A ............... B ..............., trustee, of the first part, and C ............... D ............... of the second part: Whereas the said trustee, by virtue of the authority vested in him by the trust deed hereinafter mentioned, or by an order of the circuit court of the county of .........., made on the ........ day of ........, (as the case may be) did sell the real estate hereinafter described and conveyed, at which sale the said C ............... D ............... became the purchaser for the sum of ........ dollars. Now therefore this deed witnesseth: That the said A ............... B ..............., trustee as aforesaid, doth grant unto the said C ............... D ............... a certain parcel of real estate situate in the county (or city, town or village, as the case may be) of .........., said real estate being the real estate conveyed by E ............... F ............... to the said A ............... B ..............., trustee (or to G ............... H ..............., trustee, as the case may be) by deed bearing date the ........ day of ........, 19 ...., and recorded (if it be recorded) in trust deed book ........ on page ........ in the office of the clerk of the county court of the county of ........, and bounded and described therein as follows: (here insert the description and quantity as set forth in the trust deed, and any other or further description deemed necessary. A reservation of a vendor's lien, a covenant of special warranty, or any other provision which is in accord with the terms of sale and the trustee's duty may also be inserted.)
Witness the following signature.
A ............... B ..............., Trustee.
W. Va. Code § 38-1-6