W. Va. Code § 37-6-24
Where actual reentry shall be made, the party, by or for whom the same shall be made, shall return a written act of reentry, sworn to by the sheriff or other officer acting therein, to the clerk of the county court of the county wherein the lands or tenements shall be, who shall record the same in the deed book, and shall deliver, to the party making the reentry, a certificate setting forth the substance of such written act, and that the same had been left in his office to be recorded, which certificate shall be published as a Class II legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty- nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be such county. Such publication shall be proved by affidavit to the satisfaction of such clerk, who shall note the fact on the margin of the deed book against the record of the act of reentry in the words, "Publication made and proved according to law, A ........... B .........., Clerk," and shall return the original act of reentry to the party entitled thereto. Such written act of reentry, when recorded, and the record thereof, or a duly certified copy from such record, shall be evidence in all cases of the facts therein set forth.
W. Va. Code § 37-6-24