Current through 2024 Second Special Session
Section 33-25D-26 - Scope of provisions; applicability of other laws(a) Except as otherwise provided in this article, provisions of the insurance laws, provisions of hospital, medical, dental or health service corporation laws and provisions of health maintenance organization laws are not applicable to any prepaid limited health service organization granted a certificate of authority under this article. The provisions of this article do not apply to an insurer, hospital, medical, dental or health service corporation, or health maintenance organization licensed and regulated pursuant to the insurance laws, hospital, medical, dental or health service corporation laws or health maintenance organization laws of this state except with respect to its prepaid limited health service corporation activities authorized and regulated pursuant to this article. The provisions of this article do not apply to an entity properly licensed by a reciprocal state to provide a limited health care service to employer groups, where residents of West Virginia are members of an employer group, and the employer group contract is entered into in the reciprocal state. For purposes of this subsection, a "reciprocal state" means a state which physically borders West Virginia and which has subscriber or enrollee hold harmless requirements substantially similar to those set out in section ten of this article.(b) Factually accurate advertising or solicitation regarding the range of services provided, the premiums and copayments charged, the sites of services and hours of operation and any other quantifiable, nonprofessional aspects of its operation by a prepaid limited health service organization granted a certificate of authority, or its representative do not violate any provision of law relating to solicitation or advertising by health professions: Provided, That nothing contained in this subsection authorizes any solicitation or advertising which identifies or refers to any individual provider or makes any qualitative judgment concerning any provider.(c) Any prepaid limited health service organization authorized under this article is not considered to be practicing medicine and is exempt from the provision of chapter thirty of this code relating to the practice of medicine.(d) The provisions of section nine, article two, examinations; section nine-a, article two, one-time assessment; section thirteen, article two, hearings; sections fifteen and twenty, article four, general provisions; section twenty, article five, borrowing by insurers; section seventeen, article six, noncomplying forms; article six-c, guaranteed loss ratio; article seven, assets and liabilities; article eight, investments; article eight-a, use of clearing corporations and Federal Reserve book-entry system; article nine, administration of deposits; article ten, rehabilitation and liquidation; article twelve, agents, brokers, solicitors and excess line; section fourteen, article fifteen, individual accident and sickness insurance; section sixteen, article fifteen, coverage of children; section eighteen, article fifteen, equal treatment of state agency; section nineteen, article fifteen, coordination of benefits with Medicaid; article fifteen-b, Uniform Health Care Administration Act; section three, article sixteen, required policy provisions; section eleven, article sixteen, coverage of children; section thirteen, article sixteen, equal treatment of state agency; section fourteen, article sixteen, coordination of benefits with Medicaid; article sixteen-a, group health insurance conversion; article sixteen-d, marketing and rate practices for small employers; article twenty-seven, insurance holding company systems; article thirty-three, annual audited financial report; article thirty-four, administrative supervision; article thirty-four-a, standards and commissioner's authority for companies considered to be in hazardous financial condition; article thirty-five, criminal sanctions for failure to report impairment; article thirty-seven, managing general agents; article thirty-nine, disclosure of material transactions; article forty-a, risk-based capital for health organizations; and article forty-one, privileges and immunity, all of this chapter are applicable to any prepaid limited health service organization granted a certificate of authority under this article. In circumstances where the code provisions made applicable to prepaid limited health service organizations by this section refer to the insurer, the corporation or words of similar import, the language includes prepaid limited health service organizations.(e) Any long-term care insurance policy delivered or issued for delivery in this state by a prepaid limited health service organization shall comply with the provisions of article fifteen-a of this chapter.(f) A prepaid limited health service organization granted a certificate of authority under this article is exempt from paying municipal business and occupation taxes on gross income it receives from its enrollees, or from their employers or others on their behalf, for health care items or services provided directly or indirectly by the prepaid limited health service organization.Amended by 2016 Acts, ch. 137 (SB 429), eff. 6/7/2016.