W. Va. Code § 33-16A-6
A converted policy may include a provision whereby the insurer may request information in advance of any premium due date of such policy of any person covered thereunder as to whether (i) he is covered for similar benefits by another hospital, surgical, medical or major medical expense insurance policy or hospital or medical service subscriber contract or medical practice or other prepayment plan or by any other plan or program, (ii) he is covered for similar benefits under any arrangement of coverage for individuals in a group, whether on an insured or uninsured basis, or (iii) similar benefits are provided for or available to such person, pursuant to or in accordance with the requirements of any state or federal law. The converted policy may provide that the insurer may refuse to renew the policy or the coverage of any person insured thereunder for the following reasons only:
W. Va. Code § 33-16A-6