W. Va. Code § 33-16A-11
The conversion privilege required by this article shall, if the group insurance policy insures the employee or member for basic hospital or surgical expense insurance as well as major medical expense insurance, make available the plans of benefits set forth in sections nine and ten of this article. At the option of the insurer, such plans or benefits may be provided under one policy.
The insurer may also, in lieu of the plans of benefits set forth in sections nine and ten of this article, provide a policy of comprehensive medical expense benefits without first dollar coverage. Said policy shall conform to the requirements of section ten of this article: Provided, That an insurer electing to provide such a policy shall make available a low deductible option, not to exceed one hundred dollars, a high deductible option between five hundred and one thousand dollars, and a third deductible option midway between the high and low deductible options.
The insurer may, at its option, also offer alternative plans for group health conversion in addition to those required by this article.
W. Va. Code § 33-16A-11