Section 31A-8C-1 - Financially related definedThe term "financially related" includes:
(a) All products, services and activities offered or engaged in by national banks or by any federally chartered thrift institution or West Virginia state or federally chartered credit union or a bank chartered by any other state; except those excluded by subsection (f) of this section;(b) Equity investments in real estate development activities, products and services;(c) Securities underwriting and brokerage activities, products and services, except those excluded by subsection (f) of this section;(d) Financial consulting activities, products and services; and(e) Any and all other activities, products and services engaged in or offered by other providers of financial products or services which may be deemed by the Commissioner of Banking pursuant to this article to be financially related, except those excluded by subsection (f) of this section.(f) The term "financially related" excludes products, services or activities offered or engaged in by any real estate agent, agency or broker, which products, services or activities are regulated by the state Real Estate Commission pursuant to chapter forty-seven of this code except for such activities, products and services permitted, engaged in or offered by a West Virginia state-chartered banking institution prior to the effective date of this section or permitted pursuant to subdivision (b) of this section.