Section 30-4-11 - Scope of practice for a dental hygienistThe practice of dental hygiene includes the following:
(1) Perform a complete prophylaxis, including the removal of any deposit, accretion or stain from supra and subgingival, the surface of a tooth or a restoration;(2) Apply a medicinal agent to a tooth for a prophylactic purpose;(3) Take a radiograph for interpretation by a dentist;(4) Instruct a patient on proper oral hygiene practice;(5) Place sealants on a patient's teeth without a prior examination by a licensed dentist: Provided, That for this subdivision, the dental hygienist has a public health practice permit issued by the board, and subject to a collaborative agreement with a supervising dentist and the patient is referred for a dental examination within six months of sealant application;(6) Perform all delegated procedures of a dental hygienist specified by rule by the board; and(7) Performing all delegated procedures of a dental assistant specified by rule by the board.Amended by 2013 Acts, ch. 150 (SB 580), eff. 7/12/2013.