Section 30-35-3 - Board of licensed dietitians(a) There is continued the West Virginia board of licensed dietitians. The board consists of five members who shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The governor shall make appointments from a list of not less than eight names submitted to the governor by the West Virginia dietetic association. Each member of the board shall be a citizen of the United States and a resident of this state. Four members shall have experience as a registered or licensed dietitian for a minimum of three years preceding the date of appointment. One member of the board shall be a lay person who is not a registered or licensed dietitian and not subject to the practice requirements of this subsection.(b) The governor shall appoint members of the board for overlapping terms of four years: Provided, That each member shall serve no more than two consecutive four-year terms: Provided, however, That appointments to fill a vacancy may not be considered as one of two consecutive terms: Provided further, That terms in effect on the effective date of this section shall be considered as one of two consecutive terms.(c) In the event a board member is unable to complete a term, the governor shall appoint a person with similar qualifications to complete the unexpired term. Each vacancy occurring on the board shall be filled by appointment within sixty days after the vacancy is created.(d) Each member of the board may receive compensation for attendance at official meetings not to exceed the amount paid to members of the Legislature for their interim duties as recommended by the citizens legislative compensation commission and authorized by law and may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred for each day or portion thereof engaged in the discharge of official duties in a manner consistent with guidelines of the travel management office of the department of administration.(e) Annually, the members shall elect a chair, vice chair and secretary. The chair shall preside over the meetings and hearings of the board. The vice chair shall assume the chair's duties in the absence of the chair. All meetings shall be general meetings for the consideration of any matter which may properly come before the board. A majority of the board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. The board shall meet at least once a year and at such other times and places as it may determine; and shall meet on the call of the chair. It is the duty of the chair to call a meeting of the board on the written request of three members of the board. The board shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings and maintain the board records. The board may employ personnel necessary to accomplish the performance of its duties: Provided, That the board may not expend more than it has available to it solely through the fees established in this article or as established in accordance with section six, article one of this chapter.