Section 30-13-24 - ExemptionsThis article may not be construed to prevent the practice by:
(a)Other professions. -- The practice of any other legally recognized profession;(b)Temporary permits. -- The practice or offer to practice engineering by a person not a resident of or having no established place of business in this state, provided the person is legally qualified by registration to practice engineering, as defined in this article, in their own state or country. The person shall make application to the board in writing and after payment of a fee established by the board may be granted a written permit for a definite period of time not to exceed one year to do a specific job: Provided, That no right to practice engineering shall accrue to the applicant with respect to any other works not set forth in the permit; and(c)Employees and subordinates. -- The work of an employee or a subordinate of a person holding a certificate of registration under this article, or an employee of a person practicing lawfully: Provided, That the work does not include final engineering designs or decisions and is done under the direct supervision of and verified by a person holding a certificate of registration under this article or a person practicing lawfully.Any regular full-time employee of a person, partnership, corporation or other business entity who is engaged solely and exclusively in performing services for such person, partnership, corporation or other business entity, who is not required by any provision of the law other than this article to be a registered professional engineer and whose services are performed on, or in connection with, property owned or leased by such person, partnership, corporation or other business entity, or in which such person, partnership, corporation or other business entity has an interest, estate or possessory right, and are not offered or made available to the public. This exemption includes the use of job title and personal classification by such person, but no name, title or words may be used which tend to convey the impression that an unlicensed person is offering professional engineering services to the public.