Section 29A-3A-15 - Withdrawal or modification of proposed rules(a) Any legislative rule proposed by the agency may be withdrawn by the agency any time before passage of a law authorizing or authorizing and directing its promulgation, but no such action shall be construed to affect the validity, force, or effect of a law enacted authorizing or authorizing and directing the promulgation of an authorized legislative rule or exercising compliance with the law. The agency shall file a notice of the action to withdraw the rule in the State Register.(b) At any time before a proposed legislative rule has been submitted by the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability to the Legislature pursuant to §29A-3A-13 of this code, the agency may modify the proposed rule to meet the objections of the commission. The agency shall file in the State Register a notice of its modifying action, including a copy of the modified rule, but shall not be required to comply with any provisions of this article requiring opportunity for public comment or taking of evidence with respect to the modification. If a legislative rule has been withdrawn, modified, and then resubmitted to the commission, the rule shall be considered to have been submitted to the commission on the date of the resubmission.Amended by 2023 Acts, ch. 177 (SB 543), eff. 3/11/2023.