W. Va. Code § 23-4B-4
Only those employers who are subject to the provisions of Title IV of the federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, as amended, may elect to subscribe to the Coal-Workers' Pneumoconiosis Fund to insure the liability imposed upon such employers under the provisions of Title IV of the Act. Coverage by the Coal-Workers' Pneumoconiosis Fund will be provided only for claims incurred under the Act, including all claims where the date of last exposure is on or before December 31, 2005, without regard to the date the claim is filed. Pursuant to §23-4B-9 of this code, the Coal-Workers' Pneumoconiosis Fund was closed to new subscribers after December 31, 2005, upon the termination of the former Workers' Compensation Commission. Only those persons entitled to benefits under §23-4B-3 of this code and who were employed by employers who elected to subscribe to the Coal-Workers' Pneumoconiosis Fund prior to its closure may apply for benefits.
W. Va. Code § 23-4B-4