- Section 22C-3-1 - Short title
- Section 22C-3-2 - Legislative findings; declaration of policy and responsibility; purpose and intent of article
- Section 22C-3-3 - Definitions
- Section 22C-3-4 - Solid Waste Management Board; organization of board; appointment and qualification of board members; their term of office, compensation, and expenses; director of board
- Section 22C-3-5 - Board to designate and establish disposal sheds; construction, maintenance, etc., of disposal projects; loan agreements; compliance with federal and state law
- Section 22C-3-6 - Powers, duties and responsibilities of board generally
- Section 22C-3-7 - Development of state solid waste management plan
- Section 22C-3-8 - Power of board to collect service charges and exercise other powers of governmental agencies in event of default; power to require governmental agencies to enforce their rights
- Section 22C-3-9 - Development and designation of solid waste disposal sheds by board
- Section 22C-3-10 - Board empowered to issue solid waste disposal revenue bonds, renewal notes and refunding bonds; requirements and manner of such issuance
- Section 22C-3-11 - Establishment of reserve funds, replacement and improvement funds and sinking funds; fiscal agent; purposes for use of bond proceeds; application of surplus
- Section 22C-3-12 - Legal remedies of bondholders
- Section 22C-3-13 - Bonds and notes not debt of state, county, municipality or of any political subdivision; expenses incurred pursuant to article
- Section 22C-3-14 - Use of funds, properties, etc., by board; restrictions thereon
- Section 22C-3-15 - Audit of funds disbursed by the board and recipients thereof
- Section 22C-3-16 - Rentals, fees, service charges and other revenues from solid waste disposal projects; contracts and leases of board; cooperation of other governmental agencies; bonds of such agencies
- Section 22C-3-17 - Maintenance, operation and repair of projects; repair of damaged property; reports by board to governor and Legislature
- Section 22C-3-18 - Solid waste disposal revenue bonds lawful investments
- Section 22C-3-19 - Exemption from taxation
- Section 22C-3-20 - Governmental agencies authorized to convey property
- Section 22C-3-21 - Financial interest in contracts, projects, etc., prohibited; gratuities prohibited; penalty
- Section 22C-3-22 - Conduct of proceedings of board
- Section 22C-3-23 - Regulation of solid waste collectors and haulers to continue under public service commission; bringing about their compliance with solid waste disposal shed plan and solid waste disposal projects; giving testimony at commission hearings
- Section 22C-3-24 - Cooperation of board and enforcement agencies in collecting and disposing of abandoned household appliances and motor vehicles, etc
- Section 22C-3-25 - Liberal construction of article
- Section 22C-3-26 - Supersedure over county and regional solid waste authorities