- Section 22-11B-1 - Statement of purpose
- Section 22-11B-2 - Definitions
- Section 22-11B-3 - Prohibition of underground carbon dioxide sequestration without a permit; injection of carbon dioxide for the purpose of enhancing the recovery of oil or other minerals not subject to the provisions of this article
- Section 22-11B-4 - Permit application requirements and contents; application fee, required findings, and rulemaking
- Section 22-11B-5 - Public participation in permit process, notices, public hearing
- Section 22-11B-6 - Permit and order provisions; identification of agent
- Section 22-11B-7 - Additional rulemaking authority
- Section 22-11B-8 - Environmental protection, other law
- Section 22-11B-9 - Oil, natural gas and coalbed methane activities at carbon dioxide sequestration sites; extraction of sequestered carbon dioxide
- Section 22-11B-10 - Cooperative agreements
- Section 22-11B-11 - Ownership of carbon dioxide
- Section 22-11B-12 - Certificate of project completion, release, transfer of title and custody, filing
- Section 22-11B-13 - Carbon dioxide storage facility administrative fund
- Section 22-11B-14 - Application fee, deposit, use in cooperative regulatory functions
- Section 22-11B-15 - Carbon dioxide storage facility trust fund
- Section 22-11B-16 - Operation fee, use, report to legislature
- Section 22-11B-17 - Determining storage amounts, carbon credits, fee
- Section 22-11B-18 - Subsurface pore space or container space
- Section 22-11B-19 - Co-tenants, ownership of pore space by multiple co-tenants and collective storage
- Section 22-11B-20 - Funds to be held in trust for unknown or unlocatable owners
- Section 22-11B-21 - Judicial review