- Section 21A-6-1 - Eligibility qualifications
- Section 21A-6-1a - Seasonal employment
- Section 21A-6-1b - Requalification requirement
- Section 21A-6-1c - Voluntary withholding program
- Section 21A-6-2 - Waiting period construed
- Section 21A-6-3 - Disqualification for benefits
- Section 21A-6-4 - Individual not denied benefits by receiving vocational training
- Section 21A-6-4a - National guard or reserve training not to be considered employment; such individual not unavailable for work; remuneration for training not to be deducted from unemployment compensation benefit
- Section 21A-6-5 - Considerations in determining if work is suitable
- Section 21A-6-6 - New work not deemed suitable
- Section 21A-6-7 - When departments treated as separate establishments with respect to labor disputes
- Section 21A-6-8 - Payment of benefits
- Section 21A-6-9 - Place of payment
- Section 21A-6-10 - Benefit rate - Total unemployment; annual computation and publication of rates
- Section 21A-6-11 - Benefit rate - Partial unemployment
- Section 21A-6-12 - Suspension of partial benefit rights
- Section 21A-6-13 - Computation of wage credits; determination of maximum benefits
- Section 21A-6-14 - Payment of benefits upon decease of claimant
- Section 21A-6-15 - Benefit payments for service with nonprofit organizations, state hospitals, institutions of higher education, educational institutions and governmental entities
- Section 21A-6-16 - Child support intercept of unemployment benefits
- Section 21A-6-17 - Food stamp overissuance intercept of unemployment benefits